Saturday, September 08, 2007

Texas Update #1

Whether these updates are regular or not, here is update #1.

We are getting settled in here in Texas. Trying to get things unpacked, stored and find what we need from storage has been crazy and that is in addition to all of the normal needs of moving. I have my first opportunity to preach this Sunday morning and then Wednesday evening at my parent's church. Their pastor resigned in an unfortunate manner not long ago and are in need of some supply preaching.

Connor and Brennan appear to be adjusting well, and finally, Connor seems like he might actually take afternoon naps again! It has been a crazy few weeks, and we think things may be settling down. They have been great! Brennan is starting to teethe again, so he may one day have a full mouth of teeth.

I will begin my official job search Monday, and also begin making some contacts on ministry positions next week as well. Just before leaving Virginia we found an interesting connection to a church in Indiana that should now have my resume. We know the Lord will provide.

My prayer right now is for the Lord to provide: financially, spiritually, emotionally and for us as a family to continue to grow spiritually and in love and trust of one another.

Thank you for your prayers.

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