Thursday, August 21, 2008

Two for the Weekend

It has been a while for some pictures of the boys, so here is one of each. I hope you enjoy.

Also, a short ministry update, we are planning to stay in this area for a while. We are looking to eventually start a church but we are not sure when at this point. I will stay with Wal-Mart, and I am also attempting to find a part-time job in addition to Wal-Mart. Not sure what I will end up with, but hopefully something soon that will allow us to move out on our own again.

The fun news is that Connor will be starting soccer soon! It may make Saturdays interesting for Daddy with work that same day (until at least 3 am!!!!), but Connor is excited and Thursday we are going to buy him some shin guards. Pictures to come once the uniform is complete and on!!!

Brennan relaxing and reading a good book.

Connor showing off his new soccer shoes.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Photo Day

John 3:1-16

John 3:1-16

In this passage, I would divide it into 4 sections as follows:

· vv. 1-3: The Introduction

· vv. 4-8: The Dilemma

· vv. 9-15: The Testimony

· v. 16: The Application

The Introduction

In these 3 verses we see that a Pharisee has approached Jesus at night. This could be that he desired to come to Jesus in secrecy, or he came to Jesus in spiritual darkness. Whatever the actual meaning, Nicodemus has come to Jesus to find answers to spiritual questions.

He acknowledges what he sees in Jesus. He is a teacher. He performs miraculous signs. Therefore he has come from God.

Jesus responds telling him a spiritual essential: To enter God’s kingdom you must be born again.

The Dilemma

In this section we see three dilemmas to entering the kingdom of God

  1. Lack of understanding. Nicodemus did not understand the reference to being born again. Or at least there was a misunderstanding.
  2. The Flesh is inadequate to producing spiritual life. All human efforts to bring spiritual life are fruitless. Only the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, can bring life to our spirits.
  3. We do not understand the workings of the Spirit. When revival breaks out why are some who seem most likely to receive salvation don’t and those who seem most unlikely do receive salvation? It is a work of the Spirit and we do not understand why He works the way He does. It is like a tornado that demolishes every home in a neighborhood except one that is perfectly intact.

The Testimony

One question to look into in this section is who is the “we” in verse 11?

· God- the Trinity

· The Spirit and the Scriptures

· Jesus and the Spirit

V. 12- Jesus spoke previously with earthly illustrations and now is bringing to Nicodemus the truth, “You do not understand, and you are a teacher of Israel.”

VV. 13-15: The testimony and the demonstration of it:

· Jesus would come from heaven.

· Jesus would die.

· Jesus’ death would provide eternal life.

The Application

God so loved mankind, his creation, that he provided His Son to atone for our sins. Those who possess faith in Jesus will no longer be dead spiritually but have new life, born again.