Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We are moving to wordpress at the following web address:

Also, our Flickr account is up and running. I have added a few pictures and definitely more to come. The pictures can be found at the following web address:

So say goodbye to blogger and hello to wordpress. High speed internet is allowing these changes.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Online with High Speed

We are finally back online, with high speed internet.

I have uploaded some new photos on our Flickr account. More photos definitely to come.

Also, I may soon move to another blog service. Blogger has changed some things, and those changes have made editing a post more difficult. So I will be looking into a different service.

Other than that, we are moved into our rent house (once we have the porch cleared, I will post a photo of the house). The boys are taking to the move pretty well, and Brennan is enjoying his big boy bed! Connor is glad to have his bed back out. Mommy and Daddy are enjoying the room in their bed! Sleep is much easier to come by these days!