Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Reformation Day & Unchanged Church Attendance

In 1517 Martin Luther wrote a Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, he nailed them to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Thus began the Reformation. Happy Reformation Day!

Here is an article from the IMB that describes the current state of the church in relation to the growing population of the US. Basically, the nation is growing and the church is not. Church attendance is virtually unchanged over the past 15 years and yet the population is growing.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Kingdom of Heaven

Just recently purchased and watched the Kingdom of Heaven which is from the director of Gladiator. I was not surpised by the gore and other harsh moments from battle scenes. One man receives an arrow through his throat and others have blood erupting from sword slashes. It is a modern movie with "epic warfare" scenes.

I was interested to watch this movie because of the issue of the crusades and current events with the War Against Terror. How would they portray the crusades? What would they say concerning the Islamic military during this period? Who would be the good guys and who would be the bad guys?

They seemed to portray both the king of Jerusalem and Saladin the same. They were both fanatics. The Knights Templar were raging, religious zealots who wanted to only kill the infidel. The movie did accurately portray that for many others the crusades were just an opportunity to kill and also gain religious privileges and purge your sins and your family's sins. All we are today are religious nut-jobs with nothing better to do than belittle the religion of others. The movie did seem to miss the religious zealotry of the Muslims. However they were a fierce and vicious foe. It was the Muslims who mounted the heads of the dead enemies that they removed in front of the King of Jerusalem.

Great movie for the action and special effects. This movie will leave you with many questions if you will ask some as you watch.

What are we portraying today with our vast political involvement?
What are we portraying with so much outspoken support of Israel and no mention of the apparent cruelties of that nation?

Some articles from the "great" CBN.

Man United Making an Early Bid for Championship

I have tried to keep up with Man United's standings for the past few seasons, but I have yet to watch a game. Here in the states I wouldn't know where to watch one. Current skipper of the Red Devils is Gary Neville who is feeling confident this could be the season Man United takes another Barclay's Premiership trophy.


A new picture of Brennan we thought you might enjoy.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Alive in Christ

Ephesians 2:1-7


When I was in the Navy, we called the captain of our ship "the Old Man." Our Old Man was tough and crusty and nobody liked him. He used to go out drinking with all his chiefs while belittling and harassing his junior officers and making life miserable for the rest of us. He was not a good example of a naval officer. So when our Old Man got transferred to another ship, we all rejoiced. It was a great day for our ship.

Then we got a new skipper--a new Old Man. The old Old Man no longer had any authority over us; he was gone--completely out of the picture. But I was trained under that Old Man. So how do you think I related to the new Old Man? At first I responded to him just like I had been conditioned to respond to the old skipper. I tiptoed around him expecting him to bite my head off. That's how I had lived for two years around my first skipper.

But as I got to know the new skipper, I realized that he wasn't a crusty old tyrant like my old Old Man. He wasn't out to harass his crew; he was a good guy, really concerned about us. But I had been programmed for two years to react a certain way when I saw a captain's braids. I didn't need to react that way any longer, but it took several months to recondition myself to the new skipper.

You also once served under a cruel, self-serving skipper: your old sinful self with its sinful nature. The admiral of that fleet is Satan himself, the prince of darkness. But by God's grace you have been transferred into Christ's kingdom (Colossians
1:13). You now have a new skipper: your new self which is infused with the divine nature of Jesus Christ, your new admiral. As a child of God, a saint, you are no longer under the authority of your old Old Man. He is dead, buried, gone forever.

What is in a man’s heart? Have you ever carefully and quietly contemplated what is in your heart? Even today maybe as a believer you search your heart and you realize how far removed from the will of God you are. Maybe you look in your heart and you recognize the vast pride that resides within. Maybe you look in your heart and you recognize that you are not submitted to the will of God but to the will of the flesh.

When Christ became your Savior He made you alive in Him. Your spirit was made alive so that you may have fellowship with Him. He is your Lord and Master the one who commands you. You were dead and if He is your Savior you are a recipient of His mercy and grace and now you are alive.

Do you know who you are? Do you know whose you are? May you know today if you do not know already. May you know today who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Creator and the Redeemer. In our text today we see three truths progressing from death to life in Christ.

The first truth we see today is that the flesh rules all who live upon this earth. To be ruled by the flesh is to be dead. There is no life in those who are submissive to the flesh. Paul begins with you were dead in your trespasses and sins. This could be rendered dead in as my translation has it or it could be dead because of. As you look to the next verse Paul says in which you formerly walked. Our trespasses and sins should be how we formerly walked, and because we walked in trespasses and sins. Because we walked in disobedience and according to the flesh which is sin we were dead. As we live in this manner we are dead. Then he says according to the course of this world which is ruled by the flesh. When you ask the average person what is most important to them in life, the answer usually is a successful career, a good family, a nice home, and to be a good person. Which one of those is a bad desire for their life? Not a single one, but when they are separated from an attempt to please the Lord by living in faith in Him then all of these are lived and sought in the flesh which is contrary to the will of God. It is not having a successful career that is in the flesh it having a successful career apart from the faith and will of God. It is not that God desires that we not have a successful career it is that in our faith in Him we have life that gives true meaning and perfection that the Lord desires for us in our career. When our career, family life, and personal lives are lived apart from the faith in God that brings new life they are merely acts in the flesh that cannot please God. Apart from Him they are merely dead actions that are meaningless. Because without faith it is impossible to please God.

Slavery in the United States was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment on December 18, 1865. How many slaves were there on December 19? In reality, none, but many still lived like slaves. They did because they never learned the truth. Others knew and even believed that they were free, but chose to continue living as they had always been taught.

Many plantation owners were devastated by this proclamation of emancipation. "We're ruined! Slavery has been abolished. We've lost the battle to keep our slaves." But their chief spokesman slyly responded, "Not necessarily. As long as these people think they're still slaves, the proclamation of emancipation will have no practical effect. You don't have a legal right over them anymore, but many of them don't know it. Keep your slaves from learning the truth, and your control over them will not even be challenged."

"But what if the news spreads?"

"Don't panic. We have another barrel on our gun. We may not be able to keep them from hearing the news, but we can still keep them from understanding it. They don't call me the father of lies for nothing. We still have the potential to deceive the whole world. Just tell them that they misunderstood the Thirteenth Amendment. Tell them that they are going to be free, not that they are free already. The truth they heard is just positional truth, not actual truth. Someday they may receive the benefits, but not now."

"But, they'll expect me to say that. They won't believe me."

"Then pick out a few persuasive ones who are convinced that they're still slaves and let them do the talking for you. Remember, most of these newly freed people were born as slaves and have lived like slaves all their lives. All we have to do is to deceive them so that they still think like slaves. As long as they continue to do what slaves do, it will not be hard to convince them that they must still be slaves. They will maintain their slave identity because of the things they do. The moment they try to profess that they are no longer slaves, just whisper in their ear, `How can you even think you are no longer a slave when you are still doing things that slaves do?' After all, we have the capacity to accuse the brethren day and night."

Years later, many slaves have still not heard the wonderful news that they have been freed, so naturally they continue to live the way they have always lived. Some slaves have heard the good news, but they evaluate it by what they are presently doing and feeling. They reason, "I'm still living in bondage, doing the same things I have always done. My experience tells me that I must not be free. I'm feeling the same way I was before the proclamation, so it must not be true. After all, your feelings always tell the truth." So they continue to live according to how they feel, not wanting to be hypocrites!

One former slave, however, hears the good news, and receives it with great joy. He checks out the validity of the proclamation, and finds out that the highest of all authorities originated the decree. Not only that, but it personally cost that authority a tremendous price, which he willingly paid so that the slave could be free. As a result, the slave's life is transformed. He correctly reasons that it would be hypocritical to believe his feelings and not the truth. Determined to live by what he knows to be true, his experiences began to change rather dramatically. He realizes that his old master has no authority over him and does not need to be obeyed. He gladly serves the one who set him free.'

The gospel is the "proclamation of emancipation" for every sinner who is sold into the slavery of sin. Every person that comes into this world is born dead in his or her trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1), and is by nature a child of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). The good news is that we who are Christians are no longer slaves to sin. We are now alive in Christ and dead to sin (Romans
6:11). We have been set free in Christ. We are no longer sinners in the hands of an angry God. We are saints in the hands of a loving God. We are forgiven, justified, redeemed, and born-again children of God. We may not feel like it, we may not act like it, and others may tell us that we are not, but we have been sanctified in Christ and are being sanctified in Him.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 says,

Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold new things have come.

The next verse says that all these things are from God. “These” things are the new things. What new things are in our lives because of Christ? There should definitely be faith. There should be a love for God and things that concern him. There should be a desire for holiness and righteousness. There should be new desires and passions that replace the old desires of the flesh. But all of this is because we are reconciled to God. Now according to verse 19 this work is now ours. Our job, our responsibility is to bring others into reconciliation with the Lord. Everything we do should be to bring people into the path that will lead them to reconciliation with God.

The second truth that we see today is we received God’s mercy while we were still rebelling against Him. Paul continues in verse 3 with the depths of rebellion and separation from the things of God by saying, “we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires. . . and were by nature children of wrath.” Then he says, but God. Paul is saying look at how self-centered and prideful you were and you were missing God but God sought to reconcile you to himself. Verse 4 says being rich in mercy. He did not possess a little mercy but vast quantities of mercy. Then he says His great love with which He loved us. What are actions that demonstrate God’s great love and vast mercy? He never destroyed the Israelites despite their tremendous rebellion. He disciplined them but He never destroyed them. To this day the Jews are still a distinct people apart from all other people. When we offended God He sought to redeem us. When we offended God He sought on our behalf to appease His wrath toward sin. While we were still rebelling He sought to make amends for our sin. Verse 5 says, “Even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ.” In the midst of our rebelling against God He demonstrated His vast mercy toward us. Imagine that on September 11 2001 that one of the terrorists had survived their plane hitting the towers. He is badly injured from the impact and a lady finds him, and she helps him find his way out of the building and to a hospital. She pays his hospital bill, and then pays for him to have therapy to recover from his injuries. He then is to full health and leaves the country and returns to his old ways despite seeing the vast grace of the one he was trying to harm. We are the same. Even as God was seeking to reconcile us to himself His own people destroyed the life of the one sent to rescue them.

When I visited Jim Bakker in prison, he shared with me how the heat of prison had caused him to experience a complete change of heart. He experienced Jesus as the Master for the first time. He shared how he had lost his family, ministry, everything he owned, and then found Jesus.

I remember his words distinctly: "John, this prison is not God's judgment on my life but His mercy. I believe if I had continued on the path I was on, I would have ended up in hell!"

Then Jim Bakker shared this warning for all of us: "John, I always loved Jesus, yet He was not my Lord, and there are millions of Americans just like me!" Jim loved the image of Jesus that had been revealed to him. His love had been immature for it lacked the fear of the Lord. Today Jim Bakker is a man who fears God. When I asked him what he would do when he got out of prison, he quickly replied, "If I go back to the way I was, I will be judged!"

Romans 5:8-9

“Bur God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.”

God’s love is demonstrated in the sacrifice of Christ. How great is the love of God in that He sent His son to die that we might live knowing He would be rejected? He did not wait for man to get it right, but He proceeded with redemption while we were in the midst of our rebellion, and the work of Jesus provided our reconciliation and rescue from the wrath of God. What are we doing to demonstrate our reconciliation with God? Are we still living in our strength and desires? Are we still ignoring God and seeking our wisdom? Do we live by the wisdom of experience or do we live according to the wisdom that God has given us?

The third truth we see today is that there are great rewards in receiving God’s grace. In verse 5 we are told that we are saved by grace. The fact of our salvation is a great reward. Then in verse 6 Paul tells us that God raised us up with Him. And we are seated with Him in heavenly places. Wow, I must have missed something because I am still here in this poor dying and wretched earth. No, God sees the work of Christ as fully completed. From the perspective of God with eternity in view all things have been completed. For us, there is still fulfillment to come for us. God sees that we will be raised up in Christ. It is fact. There is no question. The same is said concerning being seated with Him in heavenly places. The reward of Christ is ours as well. We will be resurrected and seated in the heavenly places. Our presence with Christ is promised here. Our dwelling for eternity where there is no sickness or sorrow is promised here. This is not promised in the works of the flesh but in the promise and foundation of Christ’s work. The foundation is perfect and promises our perfection. Verse 7 tells us that this will take place in the ages to come. Not the here and now but in the life to come. Throughout eternity we will see and experience the riches of God’s grace; the surpassing riches of His grace toward us in Christ Jesus. Without Christ there would be no grace, no promise of hope, there would be nothing to hope in. God’s grace will be demonstrated for eternity but has most notably been demonstrated in Christ who was sacrificed for us.

Perhaps you have heard of Rembrandt (1606-1669), one of the greatest Dutch painters. Rembrandt, in a unique manner, was able to combine the skill of art and poetry to create a type of portraiture which had been untried. He gave his painting an air of mystery while combining action, drama and violent contrasts of light and dark. This is quite evident in "The Night Watch," painted in 1642, and possibly the climax of his work. With dramatic light affects, it is regarded as one of the world's finest paintings-- unified, unsurpassed and truly a great visual experience. Other etchings of his are Jesus Christ and the Samaritan. In 1961 Rembrandt's "Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer" was sold for $2.3 million, the highest price ever paid for a painting at that time.

Yet, there were days when Rembrandt wished he was never born. Yes, he did marry a prominent Dutch girl and became wealthy as he built up a large art portfolio. But tragedy struck as his 3 young children died and his wife died 8 years after their marriage. Rembrandt withdrew from society and his popularity diminished. He made some poor financial decisions and could not pay his debtors. He married his housekeeper who helped protect his works from creditors. Alas, she died soon after, along with his son, Titus. When Rembrandt died, people had almost entirely forgotten him.

However, his last painting, The Prodigal Son, depicts the true Rembrandt. It reveals a son, kneeling at the feet of the Father, crushed and repentant, seeking pardon for the life he had squandered. The Father extends a hand of love and forgiveness, while offering hope and consolation. Rembrandt was this son. He realized he was the lost son who had recklessly lavished the family fortunes away. The scene is sad, melancholy - yet tinged with an enigmatic aura of expectant hopefulness. Though considering himself a failure, Rembrandt sensed the Father's arm of mercy and grace embracing him.

This story of the Prodigal Son, taken from Luke Chapter 15 in the Bible, draws to a climax in verse 24, "This son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found! So they began to celebrate." This verse is not limited to Rembrandt; it is open for fugitives like you and me, who come to a pointing life where there is no other choice but to go Home and ask Father for acceptance and renewal. Do you get the picture?

The parable gives the sense that the Father almost looks through binoculars, attempting to locate you, me, that son/daughter, wearily trudging forward, pondering what home would be like. God desires to show us a wonderful plan in store along with ample celebration. This image is so vivid and real.

Matthew 5:32

“But we had to be merry and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live, and was lost and has been found.”

This verse reminds us that we have been given much and squander the blessings of being made in the image of God, but through Christ we are made alive. We were dead in our sins as we sat in the mire of the pigs and ate their food when we were promised more, but in Christ, we are made alive and eat at the banquet table of the King of kings. Do we rejoice in the life we are given or do we still eat at the trough of the pigs? To not live as we were created is to eat with the pigs. Have you turned from the old life of filth and turned to the new life in Christ that promises the eternal riches of God’s grace?

It was Easter Day, 1973. Pastor Kefa Sempangi bravely and openly preached on the risen Lord in his Ugandan town's football stadium to over 7,000 people. After the service, five of Idi Amin's Secret Police followed Sempangi back to his little church and closed the door behind them. Five rifles pointed at Sempangi's face. "We are going to kill you for disobeying Amin's orders" said the captain. "If you have something to say, say it before you die."

Sempangi, thinking of his beautiful wife and lovely little girl, began to shake. But the risen Lord living in his heart gave him the courage to speak. "Do what you must," he said. "The Word of God says that in Christ I am already dead, and that my real life is hidden with Him in God. It is not my life that is in danger, but yours. I am alive in the risen Lord but you are still dead in your sins. May He spare you from eternal destruction." The leader looked at Sempangi for a long time. Then he lowered his gun and said, "Will you pray for us?" Sempangi did, and from that day those five officers, now converted through the witness of Sempangi's bravery, protected the pastor with their very lives.

Jesus Christ has risen from the grave and because He lives, we have eternal life. Today in prayer, praise Christ that He conquered death to give you life.

  1. Have you died to self and accepted the true life of Christ?
  2. Have you recognized that you had nothing to do with your salvation?
  3. Have you embraced the rewards that God promises and denied the pleasures of the world?

Our salvation is about Christ and His work. God owes us nothing, but yet He chose to make a way for us to be reconciled with Him. We were in rebellion and yet He redeemed us.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


The world's best in a slump?
Some think so.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Baptizing the Imagination

Baptizing the Imagination is a recent article on ChristianityToday.com. The basic premise is that we have so devoted church and discipleship to either knowledge or skills that we miss the actual nature of our minds which is to think. We do not and are not reaching people because we are not reaching them with how we truly think. Imagination.

I enjoy watching my 2 year old play. He has a stash of Hot Wheels that he has recently been playing with almost nonstop. He parks the cars and then pretends to open the doors and tell us who is getting out and where they are at. Imagination is key to developing our minds and faith. Show me in my mind how this works, and then I can live it.

Here are some quotes:
knowledge and skill based models, while necessary components of spiritual formation, both miss the imaginative aspect of the human spirit. And by ignoring the intuitive capacity of the mind the church has essentially surrendered people’s imaginations to the pop secular culture without a fight.

Those filling the pews every Sunday may be full of information about God, and they may be expertly trained to obey God, but without an imagination enraptured by God they will be powerless to live the life he’s called them to. They simply cannot imagine living any differently than the culture around them.
Posted by Skye Jethani on October 12, 2006 12:00 AM on ChristianityToday.com

How Many Patterns Can You Find?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Lord Worthy of Faith

Ephesians 1:19b-23

One of the most blessed events that ever occurred in my life was when I was given permission to go and live with my grandmother. I was only 13, and had recently given my heart to Jesus.
However, I had been taught the Word by Granny Spooner since I was a child. I can remember back when only 3 years old, I would ask her at bedtime to read me the story of Elijah, and the widow’s meal barrel and cruse of oil (1 Kings, ch. 17).
She lived, moved and had her being in Jesus Christ! Oh! What a lady and witness she was to the Grace and Goodness of God! One of the very first scriptures she taught me was Psalms 37: 4-5. It became a cornerstone in building my faith in God’s goodness and willingness to provide for His children!
You’ve read it, and possibly can quote it from memory, but let’s go over it one more time! Psalms 37:4-5... “Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the DESIRES (not needs only) of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass!!!”
Shortly after coming on board with Granny we were offered free rent to stay with a little ole’ lady, whose children really didn't want to be bothered by her. Incidentally, granny and I had financial assistance from the welfare department to the sum of $1 6.23 a month! Man, could that do something to your dreams if that was your total source of supply! Thankfully, we had other resources Satan couldn't put a lien on, which was the ever living Word of God!
To better understand the Grace of God in this particular situation, you really should have seen the house we were living in. It was a four-room house, an enormous hallway separating the rooms, two on each side. With a sagging roof plus the front porch roof was falling in, and our kitchen and living room were one in the same.
When we ate, we would pull the table out, I would slide behind it into the corner, and granny would push it back in place so she would have room to get up and down, if necessary.
Our bedroom consisted of two beds and a dresser. Anyway, we had tons of love for each other, and that made up the difference for the lack of conveniences we had to indulge!
To get to the crux of the story, one day after coming in from school, I asked Granny if she thought the Lord could help me get a pair of saddle oxford shoes for Mayday festivities at school?
Looking at me with those loving eyes (as only she could) she smiled and said, “Well, sweetheart, you know nothing is impossible with the Lord!
If we ask in prayer, believing, then nothing is out of reach to those who believe!” I said, “It ‘s seven weeks until the festival, and I believe He will do it for me." So, I asked her to let me pray each lime we ate, so I could praise and thank Him for the shoes! I want you to keep in mind, here is a 13 year old living on free rent with his grandmother, and the only income was S16.23 a month. However, it was still 7 weeks to May day, and I felt that was plenty of time for God to do anything!
Little did I realize even at such an early age that I would be setting a pattern for my faith to grow on, and that I personally would experience my first real encounter with a Wilderness experience. I shall never forget something Granny Spooner once said about God’s timing. “Son, the Lord may appear to be slow, but He is never late!”
Anytime you lay a petition before the Lord, and see the fulfillment of that desire, you will have ample time to question God’s willingness to provide. Also, there will be suggestions from Satan that God doesn't care, you can forget hearing from Him and the best thing for you to do is forget it. Tough it out and do the best you can!
This is what Satan would have you do. God puts it another way “Cast all of your care, your anxieties, frustrations, fears, desires and anything that has to do with you living the Copious and abundant life through Jesus Christ, My Son, and I will provide whatever necessary to see it complete for you!!!"

Well the first week went by and no saddle oxfords, the second, third and forth still no manifestation of the shoes. I still had plenty of time to say, “forget it Lord.” But I kept my confession, and continued thanking Him for my new shoes! Every time we had prayer over a meal, in the morning, and any other time, I would steadfastly thank God for answering my request!
Time moved on, and so did the weeks. The fifth, and sixth weeks had come and gone, still no saddle oxfords! And now we were coming down to the final leg of the seventh week. No money had suddenly appeared from out of nowhere, and we were still living off a tight $16.23 a month budget. Yet I knew that had nothing to do with God’s ability to provide and fulfill my desires.’
As Monday rolled around it was apparent we had only 6 shopping days left before May-day festivities. Granny sat me down that evening and said she wanted to talk with me. Concerned about my young faith in the Lord and His Word, she said, “Sweetheart, often times we can ‘t understand God’s way of doing things, or why He does things sometimes. However we do know He loves us, He proved that through
Calvary. Now, just in case the Lord doesn‘t see fit to provide you your shoes right now, I’m sure He will in His own good time. I just don ‘t want you to be hurt at God in case He does not see fit to do it right now.” As we sat and talked, my mind went back over Psalms 3 7:4. “Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart!”
I said, “Granny, I’m not going to have any reason to be hurt at the Lord, because I know He will get me my shoes, I just know it. He said he would give me my desires, so let ‘sjust wait and see how He does it!”
Monday was soon gone, Tuesday and Wednesday came and went by, still no manifestation of His Provisions! Only three shopping days left.’ I still held onto my confession that God will provide, and I didn't change it! It was not my responsibility to figure out how God was going to work, I only had to take His Word at face value, and He would do the rest!
Before you could say, “scat Crusoe,” Thursday was history, and now it was Friday! I went on to school, I said, “Granny, God will provide, and I’m going to keep praising Him for my shoes!”
That night at supper, I asked Granny if I could say the blessing, and she said that would be fine. As we sat down to eat, it was between 9- 9:30. I bowed my head, and began to pray. I said, “Jesus, I thank you for loving me, and giving your life that I might be saved, and enjoy living for You. I thank You for the Bible, and the many promises You gave us. I know we have only one more shopping day left and I thank You for my saddle oxfords! Amen and Amen!” While we were eating, we heard the phone ring in the other part of the house, and didn't pay any attention to it. However, it wasn‘t long before the little ole lady with whom we were staying with, called out, “Ms. Spooner Ms. Spooner (that was my Grandmother ‘s last name,) you ‘re wanted on the telephone!” Granny looked at me and said, “Raleigh, son, who in the world could that be wanting me at this time of night?” I said, “Grandma, I don ‘t know, in fact, I don ‘t even know anybody who owns a telephone.”
She went on up to answer the phone, and in a few minutes she called me to come up there. Well, a pile of things went rushing through my mind, and one was that it could probably be my teacher calling to talk about me. Satan is always ready to put his last shot in just before the victory, but it was too late!
When I got there, she was smiling, and handing me the phone, she said, “Here son, your brother wants to talk with you!” My brother! Man, he was overseas, and he wanted to talk to me, wow! Now are you ready for it?
My brother was on board a ship, anchored in
Honolulu, about 6,000 miles from us. The first thing he said to grandmother was, “Boy, granny, am I glad to finally get through to you! You, and Raleigh have been on my mind for several weeks, but the weather has been so bad I couldn’t make the connections.”
When it comes to the several weeks he was talking about, I can tell you exact&’ how long. It was 7 weeks, because that was when I first placed my petition before the Lord! It reminds me of Danie4 when he had fasted three weeks seeking the face of God for wisdom and understanding!
In Daniel, the 10th chapter, the angel told him that his prayer was heard the very first day he set his heart to find God, however, the Prince of the
Kingdom of Persia withstood him for 21 days. But Michael, one of the chief angels of God came to help him, and now his answer had manifested itself!!!
Anytime you claim a provision of God, Satan will do his best to cause you to doubt in some fashion, or form about it being the right time, or if it is for you. But like Daniel, I held to my confession of faith, and God, as always, was faithful!!!
Now, are you ready for the blessing? After talking with granny for a bit, the very first thing J. B., my brother, said with regards to me was, “Granny, I’m wiring you S 100 tonight, and I want you to get
Raleigh a pair of shoes!!!!!!!!!” Oh, Praise God, for His faithfulness to His Word and our faith!!!

In our passage today we see displayed the prominence of Christ within the church. We see that He is ruler over all of creation and that He is the head of His church. What He has created and established He rules. As we look at this passage today we will see two principles of Christ within our lives.

The first principle that we see is that Jesus remained pure despite the death and evil He experienced. We have just seen three signs of our redemption and at the end of the passage Paul mentions three benefits of our salvation, the hope of our calling, the riches of His glory of His inheritance, and knowing the surpassing greatness of His power. And now we are here where Paul says these are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might. Of His abundantly effective strength to reach a particular end. God’s strength is so great that it is effective and God the Father is able to reach His desired end. Not only does He reach His desired end but He does in the desired manner. It is peculiar and odd to some people that the Father desired for Christ to die. Some people call this divine child abuse, well, it was God the Father’s intention that Christ die. I am sure that Christ saw many people crucified throughout His lifetime, and I am sure that He knew what was to come. Yet, our God, our Savior, Jesus the Christ sought in His life and death to bring about the perfection of our salvation. He desired that we might be reconciled to our Father, and that we would have the same relationship with Him that Christ Himself experienced. Now Christ reigns in perfection at the right hand of the Father, after He was raised from the dead. Christ’s rule was perfectly established through His perfect submission to the will of the Father which required His death. Christ died and rose again and ascended. He left this world to reign in heaven and was not tainted by the death He experienced nor by the evil He witnessed during His time here. He was not affected but He was effective in gaining our salvation. Our Savior demonstrated utmost humility in that He willingly served. The Pharisees ridiculed Christ for dining with the “sinners.” Well, He would have dined with them as well. He served and even touched the unclean. He forgave the sinful, immoral woman caught in adultery and He would even forgive the man who lay with her. In fact, He died to provide redemption for that man’s sin as well. And through His humility He provided the example of righteous living, the sacrifice required for our redemption and the opportunity for reconciliation with our heavenly Father.

Because of His work He now is ultimate supreme ruler of all. He is exalted and sits enthroned at the right hand of the Father. He is above all. His authority is greater than all other authority. He establishes all authority here on earth. He is ruler over all. He rules in this age, and in the age to come, He will be ruler over all. His authority was established in His demonstration of righteous living. Through Him we see that we could have remained pure in this, yet we are not. We see that through His death He conquered death and remained pure and righteous despite being dead. Our death symbolizes our mortality. His death symbolizes the end of eternal death. Living in an evil and wicked world He ascended victorious and conqueror of sin. We embody evil and wickedness. He embodies purity and holiness even after 33 years here. In less than a year sinfulness is evident in children. By the age of two they have mastered rebellion and selective hearing. Our Lord in his earthly life completely destroyed the stronghold of sin upon humanity. A characterized by sacrifice and suffering. Strange words for victory.

The New Millennium began with a bang in Sydney, Australia. On the tick of midnight 31 Dec 1999 the promised fireworks display erupted over Sydney Harbour to the delight of more than a million people, who watched from the foreshores and from a vast flotilla of watercraft on the harbour.
This was the display to end all displays. It was designed to outdo every other New Year's celebration on planet earth, and it seems to have achieved its goal. For 24 hours the world media ran continuous commentary of celebrations on every part of the globe. From remote islands in the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, across Asia to the Middle East, and on into Europe to France's Eiffel Tower and England's Millennium Dome. Then, as the earth spun at 1,000 miles per hour, across the
Atlantic we saw the richest and most powerful nation on earth, the United States of America, in the freeze of winter join the celebration of a thousand years; but nothing compared with the brilliance of Sydney Harbour on 1st January 2000.
What was the reason for
Sydney's success in surpassing every other display around the globe? Was it the amount of money spent on the fireworks? or the fact that Australia has such incredible skills in developing fireworks extravaganzas? Perhaps in the year of Sydney's Olympic Games it was intended to put the city in the land 'down under' at the top of the globe.
Sydney Harbour has a natural beauty unsurpassed by any harbour in the world, and the mild summer drew nearly one in three of its four million citizens to the harbourside celebrations. While much of the world shivered in the cold of a Northern Hemisphere winter, Sydney's weather was idyllic, and even the forecast showers did not eventuate.
Many may heap their plaudits on the organizers for the world-wide notoriety, but there is another reason for
Sydney's New Millennium success. A reason that can be summed up in one word that hung suspended from the giant arch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, amidst the jetting rockets exploding above and the deluge of light that poured from the roadway beneath it. That word was "Eternity".
Like a message from heaven flashed across the world stage to billions of souls, it shone like a beacon, warning that time is swiftly passing and we are creatures of eternity. This was a sermon in a word, the magnitude of which can only be grasped as one understands the story behind it.
In down-town
Sydney, set in the pavement at Sydney Square, is the same inescapable word, "Eternity", in faultless copperplate writing. It was put there to perpetuate the memory of Sydney's unique citizen, Arthur Stace, otherwise known as Mr Eternity.
When the
Sydney architect, Ridley Smith, unveiled the plaque in Sydney Square in July 1977, a note in the Sydney Morning Herald drew attention to Arthur's one-word sermon:
"In letters almost 21 cm high is the famous copperplate message ETERNITY. The one-word sermon gleams in wrought aluminium. There's no undue prominence; no garish presentation; merely the simple ETERNITY on pebbles as Arthur Stace would have wanted it."
Arthur was a thin little man no more than 5 feet 3 inches in stature. He was uneducated and on his own testimony could barely write his name. His wife would read him his mail and he would tell her what to write in reply; yet for 33 years this incredible man rose at
5 o'clock each morning to walk the streets of Sydney and its far-flung suburbs to write with chalk in flawless copperplate style on the pavements just one word, "Eternity". Day after day, with a commitment and passion rarely equalled, he preached his sermon to the busy crowds of shoppers and workers as they rushed along the sidewalks. It is estimated that this simple, yet profound message, was repeated over 500,000 times.
In many ways the word was mysterious, for no one knew who was responsible for this elegant graffiti that adorned the pavement.
Newspaper journalists wrote about it and people everywhere discussed it, but who was responsible? No one could predict where the word would appear next. It could be in the heart of the city one day and 20 kilometres out in the suburbs the next. It even appeared in
Melbourne, 1,000 miles away.
There was no doubt the same person was responsible wherever it appeared, but who did it? Journalists referred to its author as "Mr Eternity", and each day people would remark, "Mr Eternity has struck again!" Occasionally his sermon changed to "Obey God", but quickly reverted to the simple one-word sermon, "Eternity". One day in 1956, after 24 years of mystery, Rev Lisle Thompson, who was Arthur's pastor at Burton Street Baptist Tabernacle, saw him writing the mysterious word on the pavement. "Are you Mr Eternity?" he asked. Back came the answer, "Guilty, your honour."
Once Mr Eternity's identity was known interviews were arranged with the media, and the Daily Telegraph published a full report on
21 June 1956. The secret ;was out, and the mystery solved at last. In 1994 a TV documentary was produced on his life and shown across the nation. A Sydney poet has written his story in verse.
Arthur Stace was born in Balmain, now an inner suburb of
Sydney, in the year 1884. His father was an alcoholic and his mother ran a brothel. He had two brothers, both of whom died of alcoholism. His two sisters ran a brothel.
During childhood the five Stace children had to fend for themselves in a home where domestic violence was the norm. It is said that the children frequently slept on hessian bags under the house to escape the wrath of a violent, drunken father.
Needless to say, the family grew up in abject poverty, and Arthur's childhood was a daily battle for survival. He stole to eat, and at the age of 12 was made a State Ward. He received no education.
When 14 years old Arthur went to work in a coal mine, presumably the old Balmain coal mine, and at 15 served his first gaol sentence. Even at this young age he was a heavy drinker.
In his twenties he moved from Balmain to Surry Hills adjacent to Sydney Central Railway Station. There he occupied himself with running "sly grog" for pubs and acting as "cockatoo", or lookout, for gambling houses and brothels. His whole lifestyle brought him into conflict with the police and on many occasions was he arrested and sentenced.
When the Great War of 1914-18 began, Arthur escaped the life he was living and enlisted in the AIF. He was sent to the battlefields of
France, where he served as stretcher-bearer and drummer. He witnessed the horrors of warfare in the trenches under heavy artillery bombardment in freezing conditions, and received injuries that impaired the sight of one of his eyes. In 1919 he returned to Australia and was discharged still suffering from shell shock and the effects of mustard gas poisoning. Back home in Sydney, Arthur found it easy to renew old acquaintances and soon slipped into a life of alcohol, gambling and crime. He wandered the streets feeding out of rubbish bins. Methylated spirits became a cheap escape. He found he could buy a bottle for sixpence and that would keep him in drunken oblivion for a whole day. Next day he drank water to reactivate the methylated spirits. He could thus get along on threepence a day! On his own testimony, Arthur had become "a petty criminal, a bum, and a metho drinker".
Alcohol which had destroyed his father was now controlling him, and on one occasion he staggered into a police station and begged to be locked up, but the officer refused. Evangelist John G Ridley, who knew Arthur personally, records that he staggered away saying, "When I don't want them to put me in, they do it: now when I want them to put me in they shut me out.'
By 1930 the world was in the grip of the Great Depression. Unemployed men walked the streets searching for help wherever it might be found. One port of call was St Barnabas Anglican Church in Broadway, where Archdeacon RBS Hammond ran "A Meeting for Needy Men ".
The Archbishop was a strong evangelical with a great concern for people. In his meeting he presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only solution for man's need, and afterwards supplied each man with a cup of tea and a rock cake.
the 6th August 1930 Arthur Stace wandered into this "Meeting for Needy Men' and found 300 seated in the hall. Looking around he noticed a few well dressed men standing near the door and he turned to the man sitting next to him, who was one of Sydney's best known criminals, and asked, "Who are they?" The reply came back, "I'd reckon they'd be Christians." Arthur said, "Well look at them and look at us. I'm havin' a go at what they've got."
After the gospel had been presented and each man had received his rock cake and tea, Arthur made his way out of the hall, across Broadway into Sydney University Park. There, under a big
Morton Bay fig tree he fell on his knees to the ground and with tears of repentance streaming down his face cried out, "God, be merciful to me a sinner!"
That cry was the pivot on which Arthur's life turned. His was a genuine conversion to Christ, and for the next 37 years his life was a living testimony to God's saving and keeping power. At that instant God heard his cry and he became a child of God. He could say, as the hymn writer has put it, "My sins which were many are all washed away!"
Later Arthur testified: "I went in to get a cup of tea and a rock-cake, but I met the Rock of Ages."
Let those who doubt that God can hear the sinner's cry and answer in infinite love and power to lift him into glorious liberty from sins slavery, take heed to the testimony of this hopeless little metho drinker and petty criminal who, by the grace of God, became Mr Eternity. And let it be known by all that Arthur Stace is not the only one to experience the mercy of God. Millions have found the joy of salvation by trusting the Saviour. Not all had the same unfortunate background. Not all were enslaved by the fearsome drug of alcohol, but all needed to be saved.
The Bible says, "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
When Arthur Stace turned to God and found mercy he realized that every other person needed to do the same. That is why, for 33 years, he walked the streets from the early hours of the morning preaching his one-word sermon, "Eternity".
"Eternity", to him was the everlasting destiny of every soul to be spent in heaven or hell, and concern for his fellow man drove him on day after day. He knew the forgiveness of God in his own life and wanted others to have the same assurance.
In Nov 1932 Evangelist John G Kidney MC conducted an evangelistic mission at the Burton Street Baptist Tabernacle in Darlinghurst, where Arthur was attending. John Ridley had also served in the fields of
France and had won a Military Cross for bravery in battle. A German bullet had passed through his face and impaired his speech; but God had wonderfully restored him to become a most eloquent, forceful preacher, and an outstanding evangelist. Little did he realize what impact his sermon would have on Arthur Stace when he preached on the text Isaiah 57:15. "Thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity"
Stressing the word eternity, the preacher cried, "Eternity! Eternity! I wish I could sound or shout that word to everyone in the streets of
Sydney. Eternity! You have to meet it. Where will you spend eternity?"
Arthur Stace recalled that meeting. He said, "Eternity was ringing through my brain, and suddenly I began to cry and felt a powerful call from the Lord to write "Eternity". I had a piece of chalk in my pocket, and outside the Church I bent down right there and wrote it. The funny thing is, that before I wrote it I could hardly write my own name. I had no schooling and I couldn't have spelled "eternity" for a hundred quid. But it came out smoothly, in a beautiful copperplate script. I couldn't understand it, and I still can 't".
Over the next 33 years that one word, "eternity", was repeated more than 500,000 times, all over the city of
Sydney, in country towns and in Melbourne; wherever he went.
It is an amazing turn of Divine providence that the
Sydney architect, Ridley Smith, who unveiled the plaque inscribed with the word "Eternity" in the pavement of Sydney Square in July 1977, was the son of missionary parents serving with the China Inland Mission. His father named his son Ridley because of his great respect for Evangelist John Ridley, the very preacher who was used to change Arthur Stace into Mr Eternity.
Many stories have been told of this humble servant of Christ, for that indeed was what he was. From the day he met Christ under the fig tree in
University Park he felt he had a debt of love to pay. He was like the street woman who came into the house of Simon the Pharisee, and washed Jesus' feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. He loved much because he was forgiven much.
Although no one knew the identity of Mr Eternity for 24 years he did not go unnoticed. He recalled being apprehended by police.
"Twenty three times", he said, "I have been questioned (by the police) but I’ve never been arrested....the police have been very good to me. I know there's a rule about defacing the footpaths, but I've got authority from a higher Source."
Once, in his early days, a policeman apprehended him with, "What are you doing writing on the pavement? .... Well," replied Arthur, "it is a word from the Bible which I want the people to read; and don't forget that when you were sworn-in to the Police Force you placed your hand on that Book." With that the officer turned away and Arthur continued his silent, sacred ministry.
Some tried to erase the word from the pavement, and one man followed him placing the letter 'm' before "eternity" making it "meternity". It was then that Arthur increased the size of the first letter and, as he said, "I tricked the bloke and made it a great big E'.
Arthur was a tireless worker for God. He was 46 years old when he was saved and married at 57. He was employed as a cleaner in the city, but wherever he found an opportunity shared the gospel of Christ with his fellow creatures of eternity. For many years he preached on the corner of George and Bathurst Streets in the heart of
Sydney. His method was unusual. First he would place his Bible on the ground, and then cover it with his hat. Next he would begin walking around the hat, pointing to it and calling out, "Look, it's alive! It's alive!"
Soon people would gather round; and then he would remove his hat, take up his Bible and proclaim, "It's alive! The Word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword...." quoting Hebrews
4:12 from the Bible.
In this way he got his audience, and never failed to tell the good news of the Saviour who had changed his life and given him hope for eternity.
Although Arthur could not read the Bible he had memorized much of its contents and quoted it faultlessly. In Church services he had no need of a hymn book for he had memorized every verse. He was blessed with an incredible memory.
His ministry included leading prayer meetings in his Church at
Burton Street, regular street meetings, helping at the Buckland Street Hostel, and the Francis Street Night Refuge.
the 30th July 1967, in a nursing home, Mr Eternity suffered a stroke and passed over into the immediate presence of his Lord and Saviour. When he entered the nursing home in 1965, he remarked, "I don't think I'll leave here under my own steam."
It is said that the word "Eternity ....... can still be discerned on the bell in the old
Sydney GPO Tower. How he; put it there no one will ever know, but on the 1st of January 2000 that one-word sermon tolled far beyond the revellers on Sydney Harbour, to possibly 2 billion viewers around the entire globe; not once, but again and again that message rang out.

Was the celebration worth all the millions of dollars expended? I venture to say that this was the most cost effective sermon ever preached; and it was the message of a little man who had no theological qualifications, had never been ordained to the Christian ministry, and who, up to the age of 46 years confessed himself "a petty criminal, a bum, and a metho drinker".

Revelation paints a clear picture of Christ’s eternal rule. Behold the Lamb that was slain. He was a humble, righteous, victorious man who was God and laid His down willingly in order to establish and secure our redemption and reconciliation. We offended God and God rescued us.

The second principle we see this morning is that Jesus is the authority for His people. Verse 22 says that He put all things in subjection under His feet. Everything is placed under the rule and authority of Jesus. All things are subjected to Him. Everything is Jesus’ subjects. He is the King and everything and everyone else is His subject. He is the Lord and we are His bondservants. He is ruler and we are mastered. We are imperfect and He is perfection. Then we are told that the Father gave Him to us as head over all things. Repeating the idea that He is over all. But He is over all to the church. He is perfection. He is over all things to the church. Wait. Now how is Christ actually head over the church when He is not here to lead us? Good question. I am so glad you asked. He is the head of the church and leads us through our submission to His spirit. So if you are not submitted to the Spirit then you are not able to follow. If you are not submitted to the Spirit then there is no solid guarantee that you desire what the Lord desires. If you do not allow yourself to be mastered by the one who has demonstrated mastery then you are outside of the Lord. Wednesday night we had someone ask the question of where we would buy property if not this property, I believe my response was we are looking here because hopefully people are coming to know us as being here in Lottsburg. Then I hopefully added but we don’t have to be located here. Ladies and gentlemen, where we are located should not necessarily matter. Let me explain, if individually we are being mastered by Christ through the Spirit then as a church we should be mastered by Christ as well. Then we as a church will desire the Lord’s will and do as He wishes. So we may actually become located somewhere else, but the key is that by being mastered by the Lord what we do outside of the church is what is most important not where we are located. The church ought to be mastered by the Spirit of our Lord. Verse 23 says the church is His body. If we are Christ’s body then we better act like Him. If the church is Christ’s body there is a high calling in life. If the church is His body then we ought to exemplify humility and submission. Because the verse continues with the fullness of Him who fills all in all. The fullness. We are the fullness of Christ. Do we look like Christ?! Do we?! Do we really look like Christ? Tell me what is it that we do that looks like Christ? What is it that you do that when people see it, they see Christ?

One time my wife and I were having intense fellowship (quarreling). In the heat of it, the Lord spoke this to me: "Your pride is being exposed." I was immediately convicted as the following scripture rose up in my spirit.

By pride comes nothing but strife, but with the well-advised is wisdom (Prov. 13:10).

God continued, "John, any time you and Lisa fight, you'll find pride lurking somewhere, and you must deal with it." But one may argue, "What if I know I'm right?" Allow Jesus to answer this question, "Agree with your adversary quickly" (Matt. 5:25). By refusing to defend yourself, one if not both of the following will happen. First, you lay down pride, which will open your eyes to recognize flaws in your own character that went previously undetected. Second, if you are right, you are still following the example of Christ by allowing God His rightful place as judge of the situation. For this is commendable, if because of conscience toward God one endures grief, suffering wrong­fully ...For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: "Who committed no sin, nor was deceit found in His mouth"; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously (1 Pet. 2:19,21-23).

This is our calling: to follow Christ's example, who suf­fered when He was not at fault. This precept wars against the natural mind since its logic appears absurd. However, the wisdom of God proves that humility and obedience make room for God's righteous judgment. Defense, correction, vindication or whatever other response is appropriate should proceed from the hand of God, not from man. An individual who vindicates himself does not walk in humility of Christ. No one on earth possesses more authority than Jesus, yet He never defended himself.

Matthew 16:18 says that upon the confession of Peter Christ would build His church. He is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. The church is built upon Christ. He died for the church. Ephesians 5:23 says that Christ is the head of the church just as the husband is the head of the wife. We see an illustration and instruction for marriage, but we also see that the church is led by sacrificial service and full authority of Christ.

When it says all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things, are you in subjection to Him? Is He your head? Do you live as Christ lived? Are you living in complete self-denial. Christ withheld His glory in order to glorify the Father. Do you desire that Christ’s will and attitude would be yours? Be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your requests known to God. (Phil. 4:6) Subject yourself to the rule of Christ through prayer. He is a Lord Worthy of Faith. Is He yours?

DC United Beats Red Bulls in First Playoff Game

On a great give-and-go United scores on its only chance of the game. A tie in the next game would allow DC United to advance.

Final Score: 1-0 DC United

Sunday, October 15, 2006

MLS Playoffs

It is time for the MLS Playoffs. I wish we had TV (but overall the benefits of not having TV are better). I am looking for DC United to go all of the way.

The MLS has done well but one writer believes they need David Beckham to gain more ground and credibility. What would it hurt to watch Beckham kick a trademark bend on a free kick here in the MLS?

To Be Married Means to Be Outnumbered

On the Drudge Report there is a link to a story about the apparent decline in marriage throughout our country. As you will see in the quotes, the total number of marriages is at all time high, but the percent of married couples is down. Below are a couple of quotes:

"released this month by the Census Bureau, found that 49.7 percent, or 55.2 million, of the nation’s 111.1 million households in 2005 were made up of married couples — with and without children — just shy of a majority and down from more than 52 percent five years earlier."

"The numbers by no means suggests marriage is dead or necessarily that a tipping point has been reached. The total number of married couples is higher than ever, and most Americans eventually marry. But marriage has been facing more competition. A growing number of adults are spending more of their lives single or living unmarried with partners, and the potential social and economic implications are profound."

In our culture, marriage is not what it ought to be, but then again, why be amazed at that those outside of the church do not behave like the church? Maybe the world needs to see how marriage should be before it will accept the truth concerning marriage? Then again, maybe the world needs to find peace in Christ before it will accept the things of Christ.

Maybe what the world needs is for married Christians to befriend unmarried unbelievers and mentor them to an understanding of how Christ will impact their relationship.

May we be the salt and light that we have been called to be.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pudge in the Series Again

The Tigers swept the A's to go to the Series. You better believe it!
YES! The Detroit Tigers.
The Yankees will be watching the Tigers play in the World Series.
Pudge is in it again.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm Innocent, Floyd Landis

Floyd Landis and his lawyer are serious about his innocence. So to begin swaying public opinion they have posted on the website of Landis a powerpoint presentation and other documents to begin demonstrating the grounds for their stance.

What a tremendous victory, yet even if he is innocent and proven innocent his image is tainted. I for one hope he is proven innocent.

Signs of Redemption

Ephesians 1:15-19

A pastor once told of the most extraordinary revelations the Lord had ever blessed him with. This is how he told the story:

One of the most extraordinary revelations I was ever blessed to receive from God came one morning, around 3 am, when He caused me to wake up, and absolutely got my undivided attention! Listen and give ear as we reflect back over that sacred morning! By the way, my life has never been the same!
God touched my spirit while I was still sleeping (remember proverbs 20:2 7, “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts. “) As He was dealing with me in my sleep, He awoke me and said, “Raleigh, my son, I want you to tell my children if they want to get my attention and get their prayers answered sooner, they of necessity have to stop praying the facts and start praying the Truth!”
All of a sudden my mind became alert, and I asked; “Pray the Truth, instead of the facts, What do You mean?” It was then He began to open the eyes of my understanding, and I saw as I had never seen before!
Always, when giving me revelation knowledge, God would support it with His Word! As He continued talking, my heart was beginning to burn within me to get up and get into His Blessed Word!
The difference between Truth and fact is so enormous that Satan uses the lack of the knowledge of God’s Word on our part to our total disadvantage and sometimes self-destruction!!! Remember, God said in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed, for lack of knowledge!” Yet, there is not one reason in this world, if we will get into God’s Word that knowledge and wisdom will not come to us!!! The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 2:26... “For God giveth to a man that is good in His sight wisdom and knowledge, and joy!!!”
In 1 Corinthians 1:24, and Colossians 2:3, the Bible says, that Jesus Christ is the Power of God, and also the Wisdom of God! That in Him (Jesus Christ) are hidden all the treasures (deposits) of Wisdom and Knowledge!!!!
If Satan can divert and redirect your quality time for anything besides searching the scriptures, he will accomplish much in your life toward defeating and destroying you! Just like not knowing the difference between fact and Truth! This alone is enough to hinder God from providing for us when we need it the most!
Getting back to God speaking to me. He said “Facts have to do with situations and circumstances as they are now! Facts have nothing to do with Truth! Facts have nothing at all to do with the provisions I have made for my children through the New Covenant, paid for and validated by the blood of my Son, Jesus Christ!!!”
“When my children pray and talk the facts of their circumstances, or the difficult situations they find themselves in, it builds an inner-image of lack, need, pain, suffering, hardship, etc.! All of these are facts, lam not trying to get them to deny the actuality, for to do so would be lying, and I abhor lies!” As He continued to enlighten my mind, I became more amazed at His revelation! Listen, as He continued speaking. “The more they pray the facts, all of which I knew before hand, the worse they get, because the spirit of stress, and frustration becomes part of their meditation! They forget, that “As one thinketh is his heart, so is he!” It is impossible to fully trust me, when their faith is wavering, and they are meditating all that is happening to them at the same time!”
“I want my children to lean totally on Me and rely upon My Truths, and not the facts! Facts change, but my Truth will never change!!!” Immediately my mind went to Psalms 119:89, “Forever, 0 Lord, Thy Word (Truth) is settled in Heaven!” He then said, “Facts build doubt, Truth builds faith! It is faith that honors Me, and in turn I will honor faith!”

There is a way to know if you are saved. Some people may tell you, “I remember praying the prayer and being baptized, but how do I know if that was real? I mean look at my life it’s a mess but I am saved right?” How can a person be saved and not know it? To know if you are saved, your life must bear spiritual fruit. You should be able to look back over your life and be able to see a growth of spiritual discipline within your being. When we look at our text for today we see Paul telling the Ephesians in his prayer for them signs of their salvation. He commending them and also praying for them that these three signs would be evident in their lives.

The first sign we see today is that faith and obedience will be demonstrated in this life. If you are truly saved faith and obedience will be seen in your life. Paul says in verse 15 “having heard of the faith in the Lord which exists among you.” This is not a past attribute it is present. This is not something once existed but exists among you. Does faith exist in you. Then in verse 16 Paul says “making mention of you in my prayers.” He is demonstrating faith by his prayers for them. He is trusting and assured that the Lord will provide the answer through the power of the Spirit. Paul is trusting that the Lord will do His work in the hearts and lives of the Ephesians. He is not saying rote prayers in order to appease God but because He believes that the Lord will do His work. He is assured of the answer to the prayer already.

Paul also reminds us of obedience by commending them of their love for the saints. He is commending them for their obedience. The Lord has commanded that we love one another. 1 Corinthians 13 is in the context of the local church. Paul in that passage is instructing in actions toward one another in the use of our spiritual gifts. We are to love one another, and by our love, we demonstrate obedience. Did you know that when we are obedient we are demonstrating faith? When we lie according to the commands of God we are demonstrating faith by stating with our actions that we trust that the Lord’s will is best for us. When we live in obedience to God and forsake the ways of the world we are stating, “Lord, I trust and have faith that this is in the end the very best for my life.” Not that we are fearful of the Lord zapping us if we disobey, but that we desire what is best and we know and trust that the Lord’s will is the best. We honor and glorify our Lord by our obedience.

"God, is this the way You treat someone who is faithful to You?" I yelled out loud on the top of the wooded hill where no one but God could hear me. "I have waited and waited and now this! I hate You, God! I have had enough!" Those were my words that day as I wrestled with news of an event that devastated me to the point where I broke down weeping.
As I sat there among the trees deciding what else I could say to God, I was speechless. I was angry. I was confused. I wondered if He even existed. If He did, I felt like He really didn't honor my faith and obedience. I sat for hours wrestling internally with my feelings. Finally, without answers and sensing that God wasn't answering me, I turned to leave. I had been sitting on an old oak tree that was broken at the base. The tree pointed toward the base of another huge oak tree. Finally, a still quiet voice inside said, "Today, like this broken oak tree you are sitting on, you are a broken man. But this brokenness was needed in order for you to become this large oak tree you see."
Months and even years had passed with many struggles. But God was true to His word from that day. He began to replace the pain and disappointment with an inner joy that only His grace could provide. Have you ever wrestled with the events of life, feeling that God has deserted you? Have you been honest with God? He is the kind of Father who is willing to have those difficult conversations. He won't always change things, but His purposes will be accomplished and peace will come if you trust. Trust Him this day with those things that are most difficult.

As Job learned through his turbulent time of agony and brokenness, the Lord is good to those who trust Him, in our obedience we demonstrate our faith in God. He may not answer our prayers the way and when we want, but He answers our prayers. When we ask the Lord for faith, we may experience a time for us to demonstrate that faith. But when the time comes and we walk in faith and obedience we demonstrate who we belong.

The second sign of redemption we see today is a knowledge of God brings wisdom to this life. So you mean all I have to do to be wise is to know about God, and then I will be wise and go to college with a full scholarship? No. The point and truth is not knowing about God, but the truth is knowing God. Do you know God? Do you know and understand God like you know and understand your spouse? Do you know and understand God in the same manner? The same manner that you love your spouse. You should know your spouse very well, and you should know God very well.

In verse 17 Paul states “[that God] may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.” Wisdom is to have a broad knowledge, and this wisdom is to be a spiritual knowledge. Through knowing God we should come to know and understand His will more deeply the longer we serve Him. Through knowing God we should come to know what is permissible and what is not. Through knowing God we should come to a point where we know what is a God-given conviction and what is preference or personal conviction. Through knowing God we should know that we are saved by the wisdom that comes only from Him. As Paul is now praying for the Ephesians through knowing God he has come to know what to pray for the Ephesians, and we should come to know how to pray for one another. We should know how to pray for others because we know God and what He desires of us. Wisdom comes from a long and broad knowledge of God but also an intimate knowledge through time deeply devoted to our God.

Oftentimes our prayers are hindered because of the type prayers we pray. In order to know how to pray with faith, we must know God’s feelings on the matter, or situation with which we are confronted. Let me give you a perfect example.
Some years ago as a young pastor, I was faced with the need for a second automobile. So, in prayer I sought the face of God and asked Him if it was His will, would He help me get another car. I prayed, and prayed, but seemed to get nowhere close to an answer. I couldn't figure out the problem. Have you ever been in that position?
Well, as God’s grace would have it, I stopped by one of my widowed church member’s house to employ her prayers with mine. Oh, how I have thanked God over these many years since for His wonderful revelation knowledge! Since that day my life was changed for the better, and I thank God for it!
My life was blessed beyond measure having had the opportunity of knowing Sister Bessie Jenkins (no relation, except through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ!) You would really have had to have known her to really appreciate this little woman!
Bessie Jenkins stood about 4’-10” tall. Fat, short and walked like a little duck. As far as academic credentials, I doubt seriously if she ever went past elementary school, yet, she was so full of God’s wisdom and knowledge. I would often stop by just to listen and learn from her!

As I pulled up into her yard, I found her crawling out from under the house. I asked her, “Sister Bessie, what in the world were you doing under the house, honey?” She looked at me and said, “Sweetheart, I had to spread my “taters” out so they could thy.” Ok, fair enough.
As we went into the house, she asked what could she do for me? I told her I stopped by to see if I could get her to help me pray about another car. She looked at me, as only she could and asked did I really need another one?
I looked at her thinking, “I don‘t believe I’m hearing this!” Slightly irritated and annoyed that she would even ask such a thing, I looked her dead in the eyes and said, “Sister Bessie, do you think I would be asking you to help me pray for it, if I did not really need a second car?”
Unperturbed by my lack of mature wisdom, she just smiled and said, “Well, son, if you know you really need it, then you ‘re praying the wrong kind of prayer and under these conditions you never will get an answer! You know if you need it, then it's already God's will, and what you need to do is start praying what kind and color you want!!!”
Oh, man, what a revelation turned on inside my spirit! Never before had I seen it in this light! And guess what? That one statement turned my faith around 180 degrees! Within a week and a half I had the color, and the type of auto I wanted!!!

Psalm 37:4-5 says to Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it. How do we come to desire what the Lord would have us to desire? It is through time and deep commitment to knowing Him. Through our knowledge of Him we become wise in the Lord’s wisdom which allows us to desire what the Lord would desire.

The third sign of redemption we see today is there are real benefits of your salvation in this life. Some people would have you believe that the only benefits of salvation come after you die. If that were the case then Christians might have a right to be the most unbearable people in the world. But there are benefits today to your salvation. Now it may now be what some people might wish it were. There are no promises of great wealth or fancy cars, but we may be enlightened to the knowledge of the blessings of being God’s. In verse 18 Paul says that He has prayed “that the eyes of their heart may be enlightened.” This is that their hearts may be illuminated. When this word is used passively it refers to spiritual knowledge. Paul desires for them to know some things specifically. He desires that they know the hope of their calling. What is this? The hope is what God has called us to. He has called us “to an altogether new life in which we know, love, obey and serve Christ, enjoy fellowship with Him and with each other, and look beyond our present suffering to the glory which will one day be revealed.” There is benefit and promise in being God’s people and part of being God’s people is to be holy, for God’s people will reflect and represent Him.

Paul desires that they know the riches of His glory of His inheritance. This inheritance refers to the final end. The point when we are with Christ in His glory worshipping Him. This idea of inheritance is supported in Colossians 1:12 to be what we receive. We will one day be with Christ and fully in His presence. One day we will be like Christ. We will experience and enjoy perfect fellowship. No longer will the fried chicken clog your arteries. We should anticipate this inheritance with joy and with gratitude. It should not be far from our thoughts.

Paul desires that they know the “surpassing greatness of His power toward [the believer].” God’s power is sufficient. The greatness of God’s power is beyond our imagination and knowledge to comprehend. Christ’s resurrection and ascension demonstrate His power over death and evil a power which no other has ever demonstrated. His power is greater than our power and sufficient for the needs of our lives.

These are three attributes and benefits of the Christian life that Paul would have them to know. We can know them. The Lord will enlighten and illuminate as we have need. They are for our benefit and not our destruction.

Enlighten the eyes of my heart, that I may know.
The hope to which I am called, You love me so!

Your glorious riches and power are mine,
Inherited through Your royal bloodline.

A child of the King, I am Calvary bought,
My forgiveness, my mercy, my grace, I am wrought,

With nail scarred hands gently molded by You,
My burdens are many my talents are few.

Unworthy I stand before You this day,
Your servant I am, please show me the way.

My dreams, my desires, my will matters not,
I'm broken before You Lord You choose my lot.

At the foot of the cross I do humbly lay,
My pride, my ambition, now empty I say,

Fill my cup Lord with Your Spirit Divine,
My precious Sweet Jesus Your will is now mine!

Bestow on me as You choose to this day,
Be it hardship or joy, I will gladly obey.

The Lord desires for us to hope in Him. Do you hope in Christ today? The Lord desires that we should be His children and inherit His riches. Are you His child? The Lord desires that we know and experience His power. Has His power transformed your life so that you are now living and no longer dead?

How has the Lord changed you?

Two points of consideration in response.

  • What wisdom is in you? The world or a knowledge of God?
  • Do faith and obedience characterize your life?