A pastor once told of the most extraordinary revelations the Lord had ever blessed him with. This is how he told the story:
One of the most extraordinary revelations I was ever blessed to receive from God came one morning, around
God touched my spirit while I was still sleeping (remember proverbs 20:2 7, “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts. “) As He was dealing with me in my sleep, He awoke me and said, “Raleigh, my son, I want you to tell my children if they want to get my attention and get their prayers answered sooner, they of necessity have to stop praying the facts and start praying the Truth!”
All of a sudden my mind became alert, and I asked; “Pray the Truth, instead of the facts, What do You mean?” It was then He began to open the eyes of my understanding, and I saw as I had never seen before!
Always, when giving me revelation knowledge, God would support it with His Word! As He continued talking, my heart was beginning to burn within me to get up and get into His Blessed Word!
The difference between Truth and fact is so enormous that Satan uses the lack of the knowledge of God’s Word on our part to our total disadvantage and sometimes self-destruction!!! Remember, God said in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed, for lack of knowledge!” Yet, there is not one reason in this world, if we will get into God’s Word that knowledge and wisdom will not come to us!!! The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 2:26... “For God giveth to a man that is good in His sight wisdom and knowledge, and joy!!!”
In 1 Corinthians 1:24, and Colossians 2:3, the Bible says, that Jesus Christ is the Power of God, and also the Wisdom of God! That in Him (Jesus Christ) are hidden all the treasures (deposits) of Wisdom and Knowledge!!!!
If Satan can divert and redirect your quality time for anything besides searching the scriptures, he will accomplish much in your life toward defeating and destroying you! Just like not knowing the difference between fact and Truth! This alone is enough to hinder God from providing for us when we need it the most!
Getting back to God speaking to me. He said “Facts have to do with situations and circumstances as they are now! Facts have nothing to do with Truth! Facts have nothing at all to do with the provisions I have made for my children through the New Covenant, paid for and validated by the blood of my Son, Jesus Christ!!!”
“When my children pray and talk the facts of their circumstances, or the difficult situations they find themselves in, it builds an inner-image of lack, need, pain, suffering, hardship, etc.! All of these are facts, lam not trying to get them to deny the actuality, for to do so would be lying, and I abhor lies!” As He continued to enlighten my mind, I became more amazed at His revelation! Listen, as He continued speaking. “The more they pray the facts, all of which I knew before hand, the worse they get, because the spirit of stress, and frustration becomes part of their meditation! They forget, that “As one thinketh is his heart, so is he!” It is impossible to fully trust me, when their faith is wavering, and they are meditating all that is happening to them at the same time!”
“I want my children to lean totally on Me and rely upon My Truths, and not the facts! Facts change, but my Truth will never change!!!” Immediately my mind went to Psalms 119:89, “Forever, 0 Lord, Thy Word (Truth) is settled in Heaven!” He then said, “Facts build doubt, Truth builds faith! It is faith that honors Me, and in turn I will honor faith!”
There is a way to know if you are saved. Some people may tell you, “I remember praying the prayer and being baptized, but how do I know if that was real? I mean look at my life it’s a mess but I am saved right?” How can a person be saved and not know it? To know if you are saved, your life must bear spiritual fruit. You should be able to look back over your life and be able to see a growth of spiritual discipline within your being. When we look at our text for today we see Paul telling the Ephesians in his prayer for them signs of their salvation. He commending them and also praying for them that these three signs would be evident in their lives.
The first sign we see today is that faith and obedience will be demonstrated in this life. If you are truly saved faith and obedience will be seen in your life. Paul says in verse 15 “having heard of the faith in the Lord which exists among you.” This is not a past attribute it is present. This is not something once existed but exists among you. Does faith exist in you. Then in verse 16 Paul says “making mention of you in my prayers.” He is demonstrating faith by his prayers for them. He is trusting and assured that the Lord will provide the answer through the power of the Spirit. Paul is trusting that the Lord will do His work in the hearts and lives of the Ephesians. He is not saying rote prayers in order to appease God but because He believes that the Lord will do His work. He is assured of the answer to the prayer already.
Paul also reminds us of obedience by commending them of their love for the saints. He is commending them for their obedience. The Lord has commanded that we love one another. 1 Corinthians 13 is in the context of the local church. Paul in that passage is instructing in actions toward one another in the use of our spiritual gifts. We are to love one another, and by our love, we demonstrate obedience. Did you know that when we are obedient we are demonstrating faith? When we lie according to the commands of God we are demonstrating faith by stating with our actions that we trust that the Lord’s will is best for us. When we live in obedience to God and forsake the ways of the world we are stating, “Lord, I trust and have faith that this is in the end the very best for my life.” Not that we are fearful of the Lord zapping us if we disobey, but that we desire what is best and we know and trust that the Lord’s will is the best. We honor and glorify our Lord by our obedience.
"God, is this the way You treat someone who is faithful to You?" I yelled out loud on the top of the wooded hill where no one but God could hear me. "I have waited and waited and now this! I hate You, God! I have had enough!" Those were my words that day as I wrestled with news of an event that devastated me to the point where I broke down weeping.
As I sat there among the trees deciding what else I could say to God, I was speechless. I was angry. I was confused. I wondered if He even existed. If He did, I felt like He really didn't honor my faith and obedience. I sat for hours wrestling internally with my feelings. Finally, without answers and sensing that God wasn't answering me, I turned to leave. I had been sitting on an old oak tree that was broken at the base. The tree pointed toward the base of another huge oak tree. Finally, a still quiet voice inside said, "Today, like this broken oak tree you are sitting on, you are a broken man. But this brokenness was needed in order for you to become this large oak tree you see."
Months and even years had passed with many struggles. But God was true to His word from that day. He began to replace the pain and disappointment with an inner joy that only His grace could provide. Have you ever wrestled with the events of life, feeling that God has deserted you? Have you been honest with God? He is the kind of Father who is willing to have those difficult conversations. He won't always change things, but His purposes will be accomplished and peace will come if you trust. Trust Him this day with those things that are most difficult.
As Job learned through his turbulent time of agony and brokenness, the Lord is good to those who trust Him, in our obedience we demonstrate our faith in God. He may not answer our prayers the way and when we want, but He answers our prayers. When we ask the Lord for faith, we may experience a time for us to demonstrate that faith. But when the time comes and we walk in faith and obedience we demonstrate who we belong.
The second sign of redemption we see today is a knowledge of God brings wisdom to this life. So you mean all I have to do to be wise is to know about God, and then I will be wise and go to college with a full scholarship? No. The point and truth is not knowing about God, but the truth is knowing God. Do you know God? Do you know and understand God like you know and understand your spouse? Do you know and understand God in the same manner? The same manner that you love your spouse. You should know your spouse very well, and you should know God very well.
In verse 17 Paul states “[that God] may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.” Wisdom is to have a broad knowledge, and this wisdom is to be a spiritual knowledge. Through knowing God we should come to know and understand His will more deeply the longer we serve Him. Through knowing God we should come to know what is permissible and what is not. Through knowing God we should come to a point where we know what is a God-given conviction and what is preference or personal conviction. Through knowing God we should know that we are saved by the wisdom that comes only from Him. As Paul is now praying for the Ephesians through knowing God he has come to know what to pray for the Ephesians, and we should come to know how to pray for one another. We should know how to pray for others because we know God and what He desires of us. Wisdom comes from a long and broad knowledge of God but also an intimate knowledge through time deeply devoted to our God.
Oftentimes our prayers are hindered because of the type prayers we pray. In order to know how to pray with faith, we must know God’s feelings on the matter, or situation with which we are confronted. Let me give you a perfect example.
Some years ago as a young pastor, I was faced with the need for a second automobile. So, in prayer I sought the face of God and asked Him if it was His will, would He help me get another car. I prayed, and prayed, but seemed to get nowhere close to an answer. I couldn't figure out the problem. Have you ever been in that position?
Well, as God’s grace would have it, I stopped by one of my widowed church member’s house to employ her prayers with mine. Oh, how I have thanked God over these many years since for His wonderful revelation knowledge! Since that day my life was changed for the better, and I thank God for it!
My life was blessed beyond measure having had the opportunity of knowing Sister Bessie Jenkins (no relation, except through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ!) You would really have had to have known her to really appreciate this little woman!
Bessie Jenkins stood about 4’-10” tall. Fat, short and walked like a little duck. As far as academic credentials, I doubt seriously if she ever went past elementary school, yet, she was so full of God’s wisdom and knowledge. I would often stop by just to listen and learn from her!
As I pulled up into her yard, I found her crawling out from under the house. I asked her, “Sister Bessie, what in the world were you doing under the house, honey?” She looked at me and said, “Sweetheart, I had to spread my “taters” out so they could thy.” Ok, fair enough.
As we went into the house, she asked what could she do for me? I told her I stopped by to see if I could get her to help me pray about another car. She looked at me, as only she could and asked did I really need another one?
I looked at her thinking, “I don‘t believe I’m hearing this!” Slightly irritated and annoyed that she would even ask such a thing, I looked her dead in the eyes and said, “Sister Bessie, do you think I would be asking you to help me pray for it, if I did not really need a second car?”
Unperturbed by my lack of mature wisdom, she just smiled and said, “Well, son, if you know you really need it, then you ‘re praying the wrong kind of prayer and under these conditions you never will get an answer! You know if you need it, then it's already God's will, and what you need to do is start praying what kind and color you want!!!”
Oh, man, what a revelation turned on inside my spirit! Never before had I seen it in this light! And guess what? That one statement turned my faith around 180 degrees! Within a week and a half I had the color, and the type of auto I wanted!!!
Psalm 37:4-5 says to Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it. How do we come to desire what the Lord would have us to desire? It is through time and deep commitment to knowing Him. Through our knowledge of Him we become wise in the Lord’s wisdom which allows us to desire what the Lord would desire.
The third sign of redemption we see today is there are real benefits of your salvation in this life. Some people would have you believe that the only benefits of salvation come after you die. If that were the case then Christians might have a right to be the most unbearable people in the world. But there are benefits today to your salvation. Now it may now be what some people might wish it were. There are no promises of great wealth or fancy cars, but we may be enlightened to the knowledge of the blessings of being God’s. In verse 18 Paul says that He has prayed “that the eyes of their heart may be enlightened.” This is that their hearts may be illuminated. When this word is used passively it refers to spiritual knowledge. Paul desires for them to know some things specifically. He desires that they know the hope of their calling. What is this? The hope is what God has called us to. He has called us “to an altogether new life in which we know, love, obey and serve Christ, enjoy fellowship with Him and with each other, and look beyond our present suffering to the glory which will one day be revealed.” There is benefit and promise in being God’s people and part of being God’s people is to be holy, for God’s people will reflect and represent Him.
Paul desires that they know the riches of His glory of His inheritance. This inheritance refers to the final end. The point when we are with Christ in His glory worshipping Him. This idea of inheritance is supported in Colossians 1:12 to be what we receive. We will one day be with Christ and fully in His presence. One day we will be like Christ. We will experience and enjoy perfect fellowship. No longer will the fried chicken clog your arteries. We should anticipate this inheritance with joy and with gratitude. It should not be far from our thoughts.
Paul desires that they know the “surpassing greatness of His power toward [the believer].” God’s power is sufficient. The greatness of God’s power is beyond our imagination and knowledge to comprehend. Christ’s resurrection and ascension demonstrate His power over death and evil a power which no other has ever demonstrated. His power is greater than our power and sufficient for the needs of our lives.
These are three attributes and benefits of the Christian life that Paul would have them to know. We can know them. The Lord will enlighten and illuminate as we have need. They are for our benefit and not our destruction.
Enlighten the eyes of my heart, that I may know.
The hope to which I am called, You love me so!
Your glorious riches and power are mine,
Inherited through Your royal bloodline.
A child of the King, I am
My forgiveness, my mercy, my grace, I am wrought,
With nail scarred hands gently molded by You,
My burdens are many my talents are few.
Unworthy I stand before You this day,
Your servant I am, please show me the way.
My dreams, my desires, my will matters not,
I'm broken before You Lord You choose my lot.
At the foot of the cross I do humbly lay,
My pride, my ambition, now empty I say,
Fill my cup Lord with Your Spirit Divine,
My precious Sweet Jesus Your will is now mine!
Bestow on me as You choose to this day,
Be it hardship or joy, I will gladly obey.
The Lord desires for us to hope in Him. Do you hope in Christ today? The Lord desires that we should be His children and inherit His riches. Are you His child? The Lord desires that we know and experience His power. Has His power transformed your life so that you are now living and no longer dead?
How has the Lord changed you?
Two points of consideration in response.
- What wisdom is in you? The world or a knowledge of God?
- Do faith and obedience characterize your life?
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