Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Psalm IX- Our Rescuer

The Psalms often times seem to say the same thing over and over again. Constant requests to be rescued from the enemies and the evil along with praise for God but how does each one differ? When you study the Psalms seek to understand what that particular Psalm is saying about God and

you are likely to find the main point. What is God doing? Who is God?

In Psalm 9 we see David detailing the end of the wicked and evil, and he is detailing the results from the judgment of God. Why do we need to know the end results now? What comfort is there in knowing the results now?

Verses 1 & 2 are an opening praise to the Lord. He is saying that his thanks is to the Lord and completely devoted praise. It is with all of his heart. How much greater is the greatness of God than the greatness of man? David is captured by the greatness of God. He will sing His praises and declares Him to be above all else.

Looking at this Psalm we gain a new glimpse into why David would give praise to God. We will begin by looking at verses 6 & 7 and then moving to verses 5 & 8 and repeat the pattern until we get to verse 3.

Verses 6 & 7 are the climax of this Psalm. The main idea is found here in these two verses. Verse 6 tells us that the enemies of David, likely those who also oppose God will be in perpetual ruins. They will always be at a point of destruction. How can they defend themselves when there is nothing to protect them? There are no building in which they can seek refuge! All of their cities have been uprooted. The people are gone and so are the buildings and dwelling places. There is nothing remaining in order that people will know that they have even been there. For the enemies of God to have hope, they must cling to lies. There is nothing remaining for them to hope in. Untruth, lies is all that they are capable of clinging to but that still brings no hope.

Verse 7 is a contrast to verse 6. There is more than enough reason for the people of God to hope. The Lord will live and reign and take up residence forever. He will be with us forever. There is no end to God’s dwelling and existence. It is God’s throne that has been established. His throne is foundational to the justice of this world. Not the throne of the wicked, who no longer has a place to dwell, but the throne of God has been made authoritative. God will be the one who judges the world and all of the people who have inhabited this planet.

Verse 8 tells us that He will judge the world in righteousness. The world will be held accountable to the righteousness of God. There is no hope for those apart from Christ. Only those who have Christ’s righteousness have hope for being spared the punishment of sin. God’s judgment will not be unfair. The ones who are found innocent are those who have Christ. Those who are declared guilty are those apart from Christ. There will be no exceptions in the ruling. Verse 5 tells us that the nations have been rebuked, the wicked destroyed and their name has been blotted out. Those who have Christ and his righteousness will be spared, and those without Christ will be punished. They will be rebuked, disciplined. They will experience utter destruction. Their names will be removed from life. As verse 6 told us, they will be remembered no more.

Verse 9 tells us that the Lord will be a refuge, a stronghold, a place of protection for the oppressed. Those who are without refuge will find it in Christ. When the going gets tough we always hope for a place of rest and protection. God will be that protection from the wicked and from the destruction of his judgment but only for those who are in Christ. Verse 4 tells us that God is judging righteously. He is on His throne ruling and declaring judgment. His authority is established and is based in His righteousness. Why so much talk about God’s righteousness? It is His righteousness that is the standard. We will be judged according to our righteousness. Apart from Christ we will all be cast out of God’s sight.

Verse 10 we see that those who trust God are those who know God. How can anyone experience and know God and not be drawn to Him? How can you truly come to know your spouse and walk away without any anguish? To walk away from God is to reject your rescuer. To leave God behind is to ignore the rescue boat as the flood waters rise. God will not forsake those who seek Him. Those who seek God’s presence will not be disappointed or rejected. Those who are the enemies of God will merely stumble and perish. They do not have sure footing. They do not have any confidence on which to stand. When those who have lived in rejection of God stand before God’s throne they have no confidence. Only those who stand before God with Christ have confidence.

From verses 11 & 12 on we see the emphasis of who God is to us. Verse 12, He remembers the cries of the afflicted those who are in trouble and anguish.

Verse 13- Thou who dost lift me up from the grave- Rescue

Verse 14- I may rejoice in Thy salvation- Rescue

Verses 15 & 16- The wicked are defeated and the Lord’s judgment is righteous- Rescue

Verses 17 & 18- the injustices of the world will be made right- rescue

Verses 19 & 20- do not let man prevail- The Supremacy of God

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