Friday, February 29, 2008

End of February Update

[I apologize but I could not upload any pictures.]

Well, the month of February is about over, and we have had a busy but good month. There have been many days of frustration, fatigue and God's grace. The Lord has protected us and also provided for us.

We have no sure idea of where we are going, but we have had a church that is interested in me. The church has a small number of men they are currently considering, and one major criteria for them is someone who can teach well. From talking with the chairman of the search committee, this sounds like a fairly good situation. I had sent them a sermon tape but the quality was not very good. What they heard they liked but wanted a better quality tape if possible, so we have done that and sent it on to them.

Please pray that we would be discerning about where the Lord is leading. My concern is that I would take whatever comes first that sounds decent. Also, pray that wherever the Lord leads the proposed income would be sufficient for our needs: insurance, retirement, gas, housing, etc. Also, and finally, please pray that wherever we go, the Lord would prepare the church for us and us for the church.

Other news, it appears Brennan may have allergy induced asthma. Heather took him to the doctor today, and we thought he had a cold and an ear infection. The doctor wanted to do a breathing treatment and see if it worked, and it did so we will now have to give him breathing treatments on a regular basis. Please pray that this will be the worst of his condition but whatever the Lord allows that He will provide for the treatments necessary.

We pray you are doing well. Thank you for your prayers.

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