Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I have been each day trying to go through one area of my office to clean out the unneeded, and I came across something from before coming to Virginia. During the Spring of 2005 as we were talking with New Hope, I was becoming impatient. I was ready to be a pastor. I was ready to be done with seminary. I was ready to be done with Wal-Mart. But this is what I found:

Pray for patience and God's knowledge.

God Almighty. The one who called me. The one who created me. I am in anguish and full of impatience and distraction. Lord you know my needs and desires. Your desires for me are for my good and your glory. I do not need to fear the future because you are the Ancient of Days. The one who began all and the originator of all of life. You will still be when all else is not. Lord you are the one who will work out all details in my life. Despite clear answers or direction at this point in my life, I know you are there. Lord you are working despite visible evidence. Lord you know what I need and you have the resources available to meet those needs. Lord help me to trust you. Make me to be true to you. May you be my all. May my faith be in your provision and not my strength. Why do I tremble when all is yours? You are the maker, the Creator, the Savior. May my focus be in serving you and mot man. If you are the Provider then I should trust no other.

As I have now reread this about five times since I found it the other day, I am struck by how God has answered this prayer. He has sustained me during the very difficult days during our time here. He has provided for our needs. He has provided for our needs even now as family is generously moving us to TX. Why should anyone fear the future who belongs to Christ? The worst that could happen is that we will not survive physically and be in the presence of our Lord. Is that really so bad? To be done here and move on to heaven in the presence of our Lord.

May God sustain you. May God provide for you even in the most difficult of days.

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