Saturday, July 28, 2007

Vision for the Church

During these two years of ministry, I have learned more than I thought possible. Between experience and reading and learning from others' experiences, I have seen some amazing things in just over two years.

As we approach the beginning of a new church year, I am again drawn back to the thought and question, "What is the ultimate purpose of the church?" If I had to give one purpose with no disclaimers or additional explanations, what is the purpose of the church, what would I say? To make Christ known.

One book that I read that was very valuable as a foundation to developing my vision for the church is Mark Dever's The Deliberate Church. What I gained from this book was simply, "Make the proclamation of the Gospel the purpose of each element of the church." Now he is not saying that if there is not preaching then don't do it, but when you have a fellowship make the purpose to develop relationships with those outside of the church, or even within, the purpose in order to bring the gospel to them. When you have a big event, develop within it the opportunity to somehow bring the gospel to the lost. When you have an ongoing ministry be sure that Bible teaching and discipleship is a main part of that.

Over the next month on Wednesdays and Sunday mornings, I will be teaching on passages concerning aspects of the Gospel. Please pray for New Hope as we continue to seek to do His will, and there are still many who are unsure of where the Lord is leading.

On Thursday, August 2, I have a deacon meeting for all active and inactive deacons. The purpose of this meeting is to share my vision for the church and a plan of action to best utilize the workers we have. Please pray that this would be well received, and that I would be discerning of the true reaction to what I share.

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