Sunday, July 08, 2007

If This Is the Church. . .

Many of you probably already know the frustrations we are experiencing in the ministry. I continue to think and wonder how God ever gets anything done.

If this is the church, then I wonder why bother.
If this is the church, then I don't want anything to do with it.
If this is the church, then I want to start a new one.
If this is the church, no wonder our country is in the mess it is.
If this is the church, then no wonder most teens will not return after HS graduation.
If this is the church, I'm done being a pastor.

I have heard some amazing things in the 2 years I have been a pastor. I have seen some things I wish I hadn't. Many times, I just want to be a good, faithful church member, and I will teach a Sunday School class! Anything but be a pastor.

I have been told that it is only the parent's responsibility to do children's and youth ministries.
I have been told that behind my back people are saying I don't let the deacons talk in the meetings.
I have been told that someone is leaving the church because I am too quiet.
I have been told that I should only preach for 30 minutes or less because people can't pay attention that long, and the person who said it is sleeping right when I get started.
And yet today, as we start VBS this evening, I found out a couple who is concerned about the church is leaving. They have expressed many great ideas but are leaving. The husband even came to a deacon's meeting and expressed concerns about the future of the church, and now they leave the church.

I don't get it. I thought we are the people of God called to selfless service.
I don't get it. I thought we are many parts but one body. I thought we are many members but one Lord, one Spirit, one Faith.
I don't get it. I thought "make disciples of all nations" was the point and purpose of the church.
I don't get it. I thought "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God" was the foundation of the church.
I don't get it. I thought we were to be progressing towards a perfect holiness and Christlikeness.

If this is the church, then Lord give me strength and wisdom to continue as your servant as pastor of your people, because right now, I want nothing to do with your people.

If this is the church, then Lord, your patience exceeds mine.
If this is the church, then Lord, why did you die for it?
If this is the church, then Lord, your wisdom is greater than mine.
If this is the church, then Lord, your power is great when your work is accomplished.
If this is the church, then Lord, speak to your people.
If this is the church, then Lord, may your Spirit fall.
If this is the church, then Lord, may we love as you love.
If this is the church, then Lord, may we pray for your will.
If this is the church, then Lord, transform us.
If this is the church, then Lord, forgive me for my lack of faith.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Thank you for speaking with clarity and courage. Sometimes it's the times of deepest frustration, discouragement and struggle, that prod us to speak for what's right and needs to be said. We continue to pray for you and Heather and for New Hope. May there truly be born a "new hope" within you and the church there. We love you guys!
Linda (Nani)