They were a close family. The children were truly model children. They were obedient, respectful, loving, kind, accepting. They were faithful to attending and supporting all church activities that they could. Their school was superb. Their service and love for others was beyond the level of all others their age. They served others who had need without any recognition. Their faith was deep and secure and true. What was the secret to these children’s success? Their mother. Every child has a mother, but these children had their mother teaching them every day of the week. They were homeschooled, and if you knew their mother, then you saw her in them. They were impacted by their mother.
In our text this morning, we see two results of the impact of a mother. Timothy was impacted by his mother and the results we see this morning are the results of Timothy’s mother upon his life.
First we see that Timothy was a blessing to others.
Pray that your children will be blessing to others who are in need- physically and spiritually. May we seek to be a blessing to others. Do you know someone in need, then help them. Do you want to be a blessing to others? Then in August, you have the chance to be a blessing to the congregation of
Second we see Timothy possessed a true faith. Paul says I am mindful of the sincere faith within you. This is a faith that was evident in his grandmother and mother. Paul is mindful, recognizes this faith in Timothy. What is a sincere faith? It is a true faith. In 1 Timothy 1:5 (link is ESV)Paul says (NASB), “The goal of our instruction is a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” This sounds like a mature faith. A mature faith would be one that holds tightly the truths of God’s Word. Listen to 1 Timothy 1:5 again, “a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” What does pure, good and sincere hold in common? The truth. A True faith. Do you possess a true faith? Do you desire that your children hold a true faith? Do you desire that your grandchildren possess a true faith? Do you desire that the young people of this church hold a true faith? Do you desire that the people of this church hold a true faith? I do!
Without true faith, all else is pointless. How can you develop your faith? Through the teaching of God’s Word. We have Sunday School at
Would you take the time each day:
· To pray for your children or if you do not have children, then pray for someone else’s children.
· To pray for you grandchildren or if you do not have grandchildren then someone else’s grandchildren.
· To pray for the young people of this congregation. This is the children and teens.
· To pray that the Word of God would be taught in each of the homes of this church.
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