Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Church

Acts 2:41-42

Throughout history there have been numerous wars and conflicts. Our world has experienced numerous atrocities due to these wars. Though no nation or army has ever been completely innocent of abuses in these conflicts you can often determine the mindset of the nation based on the behavior of the military fighting the war. For instance, look at World War II. Germany imprisoned and systematically killed millions of Jews along with political enemies and even Christians who opposed the treatment of the Jews. When it came to war, the Germans invaded nations on false pretenses and set-ups they developed. It is said that many of the German soldiers preferred imprisonment in Allied POW camps than service in the German army because they knew their basic needs would be provided. Go to the Pacific theater of the War and the Japanese were brutal and cruel to their prisoners. The proven methods of prisoner mistreatment from the Japanese are gut-wrenching and disgusting and inhumane. The differences on average between the Allies and the Germans and Japanese are the goal of the war. The Allies were seeking to free people being held captive. The Germans and Japanese were seeking to dominate and hold others under their control. The actions of the militaries demonstrate the objective.

What we do as a church when we gather demonstrates what we hold to be important. When we gather we demonstrate our objective. When we gather together do we desire what we are doing? Do we desire to sing praises to God and Christ? Do we desire to seek the Lord and his will as we pray? Do we desire to hear his Word proclaimed and that through the Spirit we might be more conformed to his likeness? Is that what we desire? Our passage this morning gives us three signs of the church. Or we could call them marks of the church.

Mark Dever pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church has a ministry called The Nine Marks Ministry. His purpose in this ministry is to assist and encourage churches to return to a biblically-faithful ministry. The first mark of the church according to his ministry is Expository Preaching. From the teaching of the Word flows the remainder of the ministry. The first sign we see of the church in our passage is that the apostles’ teaching was the foundation of the church. My translation says, “were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching.” Emphasis on the continually. It was not an every once in a while thing. This was a regular part of their lives. We are not told how often they came together so this could be describing a daily occurrence. They did not bring their own personal Bible with them to church so they were likely trying to memorize the words and remember the message so that they could learn from it during the week. In the Greek “they were devoting” is one word. “Continually” helps us understand the full impact of that one word. This was ongoing, habitual action on the part of the church. This was important to them. Matthew tells us that the church will be built upon the fact that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. He is the Chosen One. The one who was promised to Abraham. The Apostles’ teaching was based upon Jesus the Christ. Are we committed to that mindset and understanding of teaching? Are we committed to taking in the Word of God so that it might permeate our minds and our thoughts and our actions? It is through the Word of God that the Spirit works within us. The Word of God is the foundation of the church. What makes us different than the Elks Lodge? What makes us different than the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts? What makes us different than sports enthusiasts who gather at the stadium to watch a game? We are founded upon Christ. Mark 1:45 tells us that the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. When we are devoted to the teaching of God’s Word the Spirit will work within us to make us humble, servant-minded and Christ-minded people. May we live in humility. May we place others first and seek what is best for others and not ourselves. Do you want to truly be humble? Pray for those who most offend you. Is there someone maybe in this church that you really do not wish to be around? Pray for them. Is there someone at work that you really do not wish to be around? Pray for them. Are you having a difficult time with your spouse right now or you probably will in the future? Pray for them.

The second mark we see of the church is that Christ is the foundation of the fellowship of the church. When we think of fellowship we think of fun and food. When you look at this passage, at first, it may appear that there are four aspects of the church. Devotion to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer but notice that fellowship and breaking of bread are only separated by a comma not the word ‘and.’ When I look at this I understand the breaking of bread to be a defining phrase of their fellowship. Their fellowship was centered on Christ. The breaking of bread here signifies the Lord’s Supper. It is the remembrance of Christ’s blood being shed for us. It is the remembrance of Christ’s body being broken in death for us. Their fellowship was centered on the fact that they possessed fellowship because of Christ. It is said that the one of the most significant aspects of the early church was that they were a cross-cultural religion. There were many other religions but they were all identified with a specific nationality. The Jewish religion or Judaism was mostly identified with Jews, but Christianity was spreading among all nationalities. Jews, Arabs, Europeans, Africans. In order to be a true Christian, you must have faith in Christ. In order to be a truly great Muslim you must be Arab. Now, you can be a good Muslim and be White. To be a great Christian, you must be founded in Christ. In order for us to have true fellowship, there must be Christ.

When we come to church, what are we looking for? Are we looking to leave feeling good about ourselves or are we looking to be built up in Christ? If we are looking to leave feeling good about ourselves then we are going to miss some very important opportunities of conviction. Sometimes spiritual growth brings periods of hard facts. Sometimes spiritual growth requires the deep valleys of despair. Some call it “the Dark Night of the Soul.” Times where all seems lost but at the end of the dark night lies the beauty and majesty of Christ and his grace and glory. When you come to church, come looking for Christ and being encountered and worked on by the Spirit.

The third mark we see of the church is that the church is committed to prayer. There is not much right here in the text to help describe this action of the church, but by the other two items mentioned we know that their prayer will be Christ-centered and according to the Word of God. Every one of these items must be theo-centric. God must be the center of every aspect of the church. Notice their devotion is first to the apostles’ teaching. We see in Acts what they were teaching. They were teaching that Jesus is the Messiah. He is the promised One of God. Second they were devoted to the observance of the Lord’s Supper which is wholly about Christ. They were devoted to prayer. Notice in Acts two instances of their times of prayer where the Spirit moved mightily. At Pentecost, the Spirit came down, they went out and preached and thousands were saved that day. Another time they are praying and the place where they are praying is shaken. The focus of the church at that time is that they are united, they are one.

When we pray through our prayer cards, I am praying that we as a church are becoming united in purpose. I pray that you are committed and are actually praying through one of these cards. Through each of these items, the believers are coming together in the power of the Spirit. Are you seeking the Spirit’s working in you? Are you seeking that the Spirit will enable you to speak and act in such a way that the likeness of Christ is revealed in you? May we seek the power of the Spirit in the workings of our church. May we seek the hand of God upon us as we seek to do His work.

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