Sunday, April 29, 2007

Update on Reading

Life is crazy and amazing. I have always wondered about people who could say they have 7 books going at one time. I like order and simplicity in life. Start a book and read it until you finish. Which, I admit, sometimes that could be daunting, depending on the size of the book. Currently, I have four books going.

I am slowly taking in Christ-Centered Preaching. One point that he brings out that has made a significant impact is the Fallen Condition Factor. Look for in the text what issue is being addressed about our sinfulness. Great book, and I see that it will significantly impact my sermon writing.

Another book I am working on is A Call to United and Extraordinary Prayer by Jonathan Edwards. This has not been quite what I thought it would be (maybe it is the edition that I have), but I was hoping for a exposition approach more than a philosophical approach. Edwards is a philosopher, but I was hoping for a clear call to prayer based in the continual exposition of Scriptures relating to prayer for revival.

Another book I am working on is, ugh, Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen. Life in church has become interesting! In conversations with some members, I have discovered that quite a few really like Joel Osteen. Now, there is not anything necessarily wrong with that. But Joel Osteen has some personal views of doctrines of Scriptures that I disagree with. Like, don't worry about the blood of Christ that was shed to pay for your sins that kept you from God. Due to circumstances with church at this point in time, I feel that it is necessary that I better understand Joel Osteen's teaching personally in order to better understand the position spiritually that many members may be in.

For fun I am reading the new release of the Children of Hurin by JRR Tolkien. This is a moderately edited work done by Christopher Tolkien the executor of the literary estate of JRR Tolkien. I am enjoying the book so far but have not managed much progress.

Right now reading is rather slow for me. I have a lot on my mind, most of which is church stuff, but there are still many more books that I want to read.

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