In the previous passage in Ephesians that we looked at, we saw that we are to put off the old self and put on the new. Here in our passage today we see some concrete examples of the old self that we must rid ourselves of. Paul has very clearly reminded the Ephesians of the marks of their sinful self and then he encourages them to pursue holiness by giving them reasons why they would want to put off the old self and put on the new. Paul gives 5 negative actions to be rid of and 5 reasons that we should avoid these actions and then a summary of what we should do.
First, speak the truth and lay aside falsehood. Paul wants them to lay aside falsehood. What does it do to you when someone clearly attempts to deceive you and you find out? Do you prefer that someone tell you the truth or what you want to hear? Do you prefer that someone tells you destructive lies? Is the nature of Christ truth or deception? Should the nature of the believer be truth or deception? Do we desire to win people with truth or whatever will gain their following? Are we seeking to bring people to the truth of Christ? Everything about the faith is truth. It is based in Christ who is the truth. It is based on work that took place in historical reality. What are the basics of the truth that is Christianity? Why should we seek to share the truth with people in evangelism? What is the reason that we should speak truth to one another? We are members of one body, if we deceive others within the body we are actually causing harm to ourselves. What should be our response when others deceive us intentionally or harm us intentionally? Forgiveness and grace.
Second, Paul says that we should not be angry. There are many ways to understand this verse. Some say the verse should be understood when you are angry do not sin. Others say that the verse should read do not sin in being angry. Paul is very clear that within anger there can be sin. Anger is an emotion that arises within us, but we can sin in how we demonstrate and respond to that anger. What is Paul saying when he says to not let the sun go down on your anger? Do not cherish it. The problem with anger is seen most clearly when the anger is allowed to fester and grow. When we sit there and love our anger. Have you ever had one of those moments when you just did not want to let go and forgive because you felt like you held power over that person? Anger is sinful. To be offended by someone’s actions is one thing to be angry and allow that to dominate your life is another. When we cherish our anger what are we allowing in our lives? We are allowing Satan a foothold. What does that mean? We have allowed him a platform from which to work in our lives. He has been allowed in and to divide the body through personal agendas rather than the mission of God. He has been allowed in and to divide the body among personal agendas rather than love for one another. Can we allow anger to remain among the body?
Third, Paul says that we should not steal. This could be anything from a believer robbing others of their money in order to avoid working or someone taking advantage of the believer’s generosity and living on that when they could work. This is an example of ill-gotten gain. Why is work important? What basis do we have to say that people should work rather than just gain from others? In Genesis, God gave Adam work to do before the fall. Work is a God-given blessing, but through sin it is now a curse. Through salvation and Christ, work can be a blessing of source of worship and devotion to Christ. Why should we work rather than merely receive from others? So that we have something to bless others.
Fourth, we should watch our speech. Paul specifically says, “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth.” This is not an affirmation of unwholesome thoughts. We are to not speak or think unwholesome thoughts. To define the word unwholesome, it means, “worthless, rank, disgusting.” Anything that we say or think of someone that is not for edification is disgusting before our Lord. Anything that we say or think of someone that is not for their benefit is rank. It is filth and as pleasant to our Lord as the smell of old garbage is to us. How should we speak to others? What should be our motivation in what we say to other people? What should be our desire towards other believers especially? Paul says we should seek to speak to others in such a way that we will give grace to those who hear. The idea is that we give them pleasure from our words, our words profit them, or our words confer a favor upon them. Essentially, “that it may benefit the hearers.”
Fifth, do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God. This is a habitual action. This is the daily course of your life. What do you think this verse means or how it applies to us after looking at the context? If you allow the old self to continue to rule then you will be grieving the Holy Spirit. Why should we be concerned about the grieving of the Holy Spirit? What is so important about insuring that we maintain a proper relationship and communication with the Holy Spirit? He is the source of the security of our salvation. He is the one who is working in us to renew us and make us new in Christ.
Verse 31 Paul says, let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice. Basically, get rid of everything that will make you live in an irritable state and animosity toward other believers and that makes him to live in a harsh and uncharitable opinions of men and things. Then look at verse 32, be kind, or useful, or good, or benevolent to one another. Tenderhearted. Forgiving each other- exercise grace in freely forgiving. As God in Christ also has forgiven you- To show grace by providing undeserved help to someone unworthy of that help.
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