Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Preserve the Unity

Ephesians 4:1-6

Paul has been reminding the church of who they belong to and of who they are. We are chosen in Christ, a member of His body by His grace and His shed blood. We can do no other and be no other. If we are His we will always be His. In our passage today Paul is calling the Ephesians to a unity with one another. He pleads for them to walk in unity, and he reminds them of the roots of unity.

Your Walk
In verse 1 Paul calls himself a prisoner of the Lord, this is a reminder of who he belongs to but also that he himself had been imprisoned for the Lord. He says, “I implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called.” What calling has been given to every believer? We are to walk according to God’s Law/ to follow Christ. We see in the Gospels and Acts that we are all to be a part of the mandate to spread the gospel. We see in Romans that we are to be holy and set apart. Here we see in this passage that we are to be united. Our part of the unity is in how we walk. We are to walk in humility and gentleness. What are ways that you would describe someone who walks in humility and gentleness? Are they divisive? Are they angry? Are they full of negative criticism and words that hinder or put others down? Do they encourage? Do they seek to assist others? Do they seek for their own good or do they seek to bring others up in the faith? We are to walk in patience. What are ways that you would describe someone who is patient? Are they constantly telling people how to do something? Are they someone who allows others to learn and make mistakes? Are they demanding? Are they allowing others to do something their own way or forcing their own agenda? Are they understanding when things do not go as planned? Are they honking their horn in traffic when there is nothing others can do about the situation? Are they assuming the only way to perfection is through their own agenda or ideas? We are to be diligent. What are ways that you would describe someone who is diligent? Would it be someone who is lazy? Would it be someone who tries to throw off as much of their responsibilities to others? Would it be someone who is not paying attention? Or would it be someone who is busy fulfilling their responsibilities and is keeping watch for something else they will need to do? How we walk is essential to preserving unity in the church. If we are walking in arrogance and demanding and laziness then we are being a problem rather than a part of the solution to the problem. If we are demanding people pay attention to us rather than seeking the good of others ahead of ourselves we are not demonstrating unity. If we are demanding something happen now rather than allowing God to work through His chosen means then we are not demonstrating or promoting unity. If we are being lazy or ignoring our responsibilities then we are not demonstrating or promoting unity.

Roots of Unity
Beginning in verse 4 Paul says, there is one body and one spirit. There are many churches throughout the world and especially the United States that have more than one service on a Sunday morning, and the criticism sometimes is that this does not encourage unity in the body. But whether you have one service or many, there is one body. I have heard some say that the emphasis of the New Testament is the local church and that the church universal is not the emphasis. Yet, there is one body. Each local church will have certain qualities and characteristics that will be used by that church in order to fulfill the mission of the church. We are but one piece of a huge body with the same purpose. But what we see here is Paul encouraging this one local church body to be in unity. He tells them, “Hey, there is only one body. There is not any more than one. So get along!” There is one body, but there is also only one Spirit. The one who calls you is one. We may have a God who is three in one, but he is one! Just as in the body there are many members but one body. How can we be one body with so many members? Walk in humility, patience and diligence. When we look at this half of the passage the point of diligence is constantly watching in order to maintain that unity. Our unity comes through the Spirit and there is only one. So our unity is maintained and brought about by only one source. If the Spirit is the source of our unity then our unity must be maintained and concerned with only God’s desires and will. Even our salvation for all of us is about one hope. In Christ our hope is through Him. Our hope is for our eternal salvation. There is only one Lord. There is only one faith. The faith is the same today as it was for the disciples. The faith is the same today as it was for Adam and Eve. That God alone could provide salvation. Whether you believe you had a choice in your salvation or you believe that God initiated, produced your faith, regenerated you by His good pleasure and His irresistible grace drew you to say yes, our faith and salvation is God initiated and by His grace. He is the source of our salvation. He is our salvation. Then Paul says one baptism. There is only one way to identifying your salvation with Christ. There is only one Spirit given to us. The Spirit is our seal and one who empowers us to His service and life. There is only God. There is no other. He alone is our Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. There is none other who are Ruler of the world, involved in the world and indwells the believers.

· Are you willing to set aside your differences and to seek the work of the church be done?

· Are you willing to submit to the one True God that He might be the one who leads us and guides us?

· Are you willing to be involved in Kingdom work in order that others might be drawn to salvation?

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