Thursday, March 29, 2007

Jesus Fulfills

John 19:28-30

A free flowing river purifies itself and is alive with life. So also is the Christian who becomes involved with others in sharing the Gospel. That Christian will discover the reason for his or her existence. Being involved in the ministry of a witness is essential to finding the fulfillment we desire as humans. "Our English word witness comes from an Old English word we do no use very much anymore but we used it in Elizabethan times and afterwards. It is the word wit. 'To wit' means 'to know' A 'wit' is 'a knowledgeable person.' So a 'witness' of some who knows something and testifies to it."

In our text today we see three fulfillments that Jesus accomplished in his life.

The first fulfillment we see today is that Jesus fulfills Scripture. In verse 28, the Scriptures read, “After this, Jesus knowing that all things had been accomplished, to fulfill the Scripture, said, ‘I am thirsty.’” That seems such a trivial moment in his life. He had been beaten. He had been awake all night. Before his arrest, he was praying in extreme agony. He had carried his cross. He had traveled from one venue for trial to another. Now, he was hanging on a cross dying. Of course he would be thirsty. I don’t know about you, but when I am tired and exhausted, I am often more thirsty then than others. But when I look at my Bible, the cross reference for this verse is back to Psalm 69:21. When Christ takes the sour wine, he is fulfilling the Scriptures. Then verse in John seems to imply that Jesus was maybe aware of this fact. He was aware of who he was. He was aware of what he was there to do. He was aware of his father’s will for him. Jesus in living according to the will of his father fulfilled the Scriptures that pertained to him. The Psalms talk about the Messiah and the fact that soldiers would play games for his garments. Jesus not only fulfills the prophecies directly related to him in scripture but also he fulfills the entire Old Testament sacrificial system. He is the Passover Lamb who protects us from the angel of death, but for us, he is the lamb who removes our guilt of sin. He is the burnt offering that provides protection from sin. He is the sacrifice of the red heifer that cleanses and makes us holy. He is the offering of incense that is a sweet aroma before the throne of God. His blood is the blood that is sprinkled on the mercy seat as Atonement for our sins. He fulfills all that is mentioned for our need for forgiveness. He is that one who crushed the head of the serpent. When Job cried out for one who would mediate between God and man, Christ is that one. When Abraham was promised a seed that would bless the nations, Christ was the one.

For many men, one of the most exciting days of the year is draft day for their favorite sport. If you happen to be a fan of one of the worst teams in the league, you are excited to see who the team will pick. The number one draft pick is always highly anticipated. There have been numerous number one picks that turned out to be a flop. But will the team pick a player who fills a gap in their team? Will they pick a player who will break open the new season ahead or will they pick one of the dubious flops that will soon be a forgotten player? The teams choose based on their needs. Will choose someone who will fulfill those needs?

Do you trust and believe and accept that Christ fulfilled what was required of him? Do you believe that he has fulfilled all that the Scriptures say is required of us? Did Jesus fulfill your need for cleansing from sin? Did Jesus fulfill your need for forgiveness of sin? Did Jesus fulfill your need for reconciliation with your heavenly Father? He is the one we need to be reconciled with. Have you been reconciled?

The second fulfillment we see is that Jesus fulfills the will of God. It is amazing how many words we require for just one greek word. It is finished is just one greek word, but it takes three English words to translate it and it still does not give us the fullest sense and meaning of the word. When Jesus cries out it is finished, he means more than for that moment. He means forever and always and never needing to be done again. But what did he accomplish? What was finished? What was it that he was sent to do? Foremost, he came to fulfill the will of God. What was God’s will for him? To provide redemption and reconciliation for mankind. John 6:40 "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day." Jesus came for far more than making our lives better. He came that we might have abundant, glorious life for all eternity. The will of God is that those who behold the Son and believe in Him will have eternal life. The Lord’s desire, the Father’s desire is that we would have eternal life. Then in verse 44 of John 6, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.” Notice that both verses end with raise him up on the last day. The hope for us is the resurrection that we will be raised in our bodies to be with Christ for eternity. Verse 44 says that no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws him. I know that this wording may bother some of you, and it may sound as if God would so desire that some people would perish eternally. But think about it this way, if you are saved, and you are confident in that you are born again, God desired to draw you to himself. If you are a believer, God came after you. It is God’s will that all men would be drawn to him. John 12:32 Jesus say, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.

The third fulfillment we see is that Jesus fulfills you. Jesus fulfills you. How can he do that? Why would he do that? What does this have to do with the text? And you could be asking many other questions. You might be thinking how will Jesus fulfill me when a loved one is battling cancer? How will Jesus fulfill me when I suffer through so many difficulties in life? How will Jesus fulfill me when I struggle and suffer through everyday of my life? There is a member here who has and continues to go through a tremendous trial in life. One day when I had the opportunity to talk with them told me this about their trial, “I really sense that through this I have grown closer to the Lord.” Wow! That is how Jesus will fulfill you, that through whatever life may bring that he would be the focus and goal of your life. That through all of your trials, all of your suffering that he would be first. When I come to your home and visit with you or you receive a letter from me, or a postcard or a telephone call or a message on your answering machine, I am praying, Lord how can I be used by you to help them live a life that is fulfilling in you? I could give you all kinds of kind and encouraging words but lie to you. I could say all kinds of sweet spiritual stuff but that is all it would be if I am not helping you to be fulfilled by Christ. Some of you may be thinking now pastor, you didn’t say too much other than kind words and then you prayed for us and that was it. Well, maybe you are on the right track and you don’t need guidance because you already have it through Christ. Some of you, I am still praying for you. I am still burdened for you and the way I see your life going right now. Pastor, what does this have to do with Christ dying on the cross? When Christ lived his life and died and fulfilled the Scriptures, he did it so that you could have a fulfilling life in Christ! When Christ died on the cross and finished all that the Father had sent him to do, he completed what was needed so that you might be fulfilled in Christ! When Christ gave his life for us on the cross, he gave it so that we might have his life until our death. When people look at us and see greatness it should be the greatness of Christ in us that they see. When people look at your work and see greatness it should be because of your love for Christ that your work is so great. When you live your life, live it to the fullness of Christ in you.

As we close today.
Do you allow the Scriptures to be your guide to the truth?
Do you allow the Spirit to guide you in living your life?
Do you live a fulfilling life in Christ?

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