A Calvinist Faces Death
Al Mohler spent some time in the hospital recently. He went in for a simple stomach operation and found himself in the ICU clinging to his life. He developed pulmonary embolisms which is a form of clotting in both lungs. In this article he discusses his Calvinism and his ordeal in the hospital.
Sharpton Takes Biden to Task on Remarks
Al Sharpton is taking on Biden over his remarks that Obama is "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean." And the rest of the African-Americans who have run for president are not? And that is where Al Sharpton comes in. Sorry, the Rev. Al Shaprton.
And finally:
Totebag Suit Against Angels Dismissed
Some men in Anaheim were upset that the women on Mother's Day received a tote bag and they did not. Give me a break! It was mother's day and you are not a mother. The gift was to honor the God-given responsibility of women to bear children. Something men will never have to do. Thankfully there is at least one judge in California with common sense.
Orange County Superior Court Judge Jonathan Cannon ruled Thursday that the giveaway was not biased against men and that the May 8, 2005, event was a way to honor mothers.
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