Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Preaching & Preachers

I have just completed the book Preaching and Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. This was an excellent book. I would highly recommend that any pastor and/or preacher read it. The book covers a variety of topics concerning the pastor and preaching.

One chapter covers the issue of the congregation controlling the pulpit. Some churches make demands upon the pastor when it comes to the preaching. Some will demand the sermon only be a certain amount of time or what the topic of the sermon will be or the style of the sermon, but he argues that the preacher is the one called of God to lead the congregation spiritually and it is his responsibility to make those decisions. In another chapter he discusses the issue of the length of the sermon and makes several compelling points.

This book is a series of lectures that he gave at a seminary. He brings in many historical arguments and current events that compel him to the positions and stances he takes. He often mentions that the 19th century was the downfall of the Protestant church. He states that if it were not for many of the changes that took place in the 19th century the Protestant church would be in much better shape spiritually today.

Ultimately, I would highly recommend the book. In fact I would give this book 4.5 stars on a scale of 1 to 5. I wish that I had been required to read this book in seminary, but it was of a greater value now having been in the ministry and experienced many of the issues that he discusses in this book. If you are a pastor and do not own the book or have not read it: BUY IT and READ IT!

Besides, you will find one hilarious quote about Charles Finney. I am not going to repeat it. You have to read it to find it!

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