Sunday, February 25, 2007

Deception Point

I have just recently completed reading Deception Point by Dan Brown. This is the author of the famous or infamous DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons.

I would give this book 3.5 stars on a scale of 1 to 5. The story really moved very quickly and it was very easy to read. It was entertaining, but the storyline was far fetched. There were many instances where I was saying, "Give me a break!" It was entertaining and that is what I read it for. The only awards it may ever win are for the number of copies sold. But in the end, books are written so that people will read them.

If you are looking for an entertaining book to read, read this book. If you have trouble reading books that are far fetched and often unbelievable then find something else. This is not fantasy like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, this is just farfetched.

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