Friday, November 17, 2006

Some Edifying Reading on Religion & Politics

Here is some reading to help us think through the idea of politics and religion. How involved should a Christian be in politics? Hopefully, some will sense a leading to run for office, but how close to endorsing a certain candidate or party should a church or convention come? May Christians be faithful citizens in voting but may we be careful to not align the Christ's body with one political party over another or candidates for that matter.

Steve Camp has a great article on Christians and politics. Knowing that a large portion of evangelical Christians probably votes Republican this is a timely piece to read and consider.

Here is an article that discusses the closeness of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Republican Party. Here is another article that discusses the political rise of the evangelical. This is some good reading for thought. As Christians we must understand whose we are and live according to that standard and not a standard in the worldly sense. Have we been called and mandated to establish an earthly kingdom or a spiritual kingdom? Where should we be spending our time and energy?

Some food for thought for pastors:
Ray Van Neste has a couple of posts concerning preaching that are worth reading. Tom Ascol has a post discussing the preaching sermons from the web topic (date: Thursday November 16).

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