Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Humbled God

Philippians 2:5-11

In many major corporations to reach the top you have to start at the bottom. At UPS in order to become upper management you must begin as a truck loader. At Wal-Mart, the story goes that Sam Walton required his sons to work in the stores in various positions before they could assume their position at the top of the company. These experiences produced a since of humility that would lead them in their work in management.

In our passage today we see three truths concerning the humility of Christ.

First we see that humility is a thing to be grasped. In verse 5 Paul tells the Philippians to have this attitude in yourselves. He wants for them to resemble what he is about to say. This is about their mindset and not just their actions. Anybody can become disciplined enough or even have a desire to be humble but to actually possess the mindset is a far greater virtue. To possess the mindset is not to gain salvation but because of your salvation to possess the mindset is a sign of an inner change. This is not just any mindset but how Christ thought. Christ is more than just a great example. He is more than the ultimate example. He is the only way unto salvation. But because He was God when we look at how He lived we do see an example of living worthy of imitating. And now Paul is going to describe the mindset of Christ.

The text in verse 6 tells us that Christ existed in the form of God. He was God. He was the same essence, matter, if you will, as God because He was God. Notice the text says although. We are about to see that despite Christ being God He denied himself some of the privileges of being God. Although being God, He did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped. Despite being God He did not cling to the exaltation of God. He did not make people bow down and pay Him homage. Despite being God He did not force people to serve Him. Instead in verse 7, we see that He actually emptied Himself of some of the privileges of being God. He gave them up. He did not stop being God, but He simply allowed some of the privileges be passed out of himself.

Verse 7 tells us that He took the form of a bondservant and the likeness of men. His life exemplified a bond-servant. His form what He looked like was that of a bond-servant. Our Savior, our God looked like a servant. He took on the form of a servant. Then God, the Creator, becomes a part of the creation. The God who can do all things becomes a part of the creation that is limited in power. Christ Jesus willingly submits to the limitations of creation.

Christ did not seek the greatness He deserved during His time as a man on this earth. He sought to serve. The Creator of the universe came to earth to serve. He came to redeem mankind. He came to die on behalf of mankind. Yet He was God. He was the creator. Imagine if you were Judas. You have already received payment for agreeing to turn Jesus over. You are in the upper room. No one has taken the initiative to wash the feet of everyone in the room. Yet Jesus, God, the Redeemer, who knows He is about to die a cruel and painful death for Judas if He would have faith in Jesus, washes the feet of His betrayer.

Mark 10:45 tells us that the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many. His ultimate goal was to be a servant and to redeem mankind. Philippians 1:1 tells us that Paul and Timothy who are bondservants of Christ Jesus. Two men who emulate the example of Jesus. Seek humility.

Second we see that Christ’s ultimate humility brought ultimate exaltation. In verse 8 we see that Christ was actually in the appearance of a man. The passage says being found in the appearance of a man. God in the flesh. The fact that Jesus died is amazing enough but it was through His death that we see the depths of humility that He went. Verse 8 tells us that He humbled Himself even to the point of death. He humbled Himself before the point of death but He humbled Himself even more to allow Himself to die. Yet even that was not the full distance of His humbling. He died even on a cross. The Old Testament tells us, “Cursed is the man who hangs on a tree.” He allowed Himself to be considered a curse for the sake of the redemption of mankind and the obedience to the Father. How great is our God because He humbled Himself so low.

Yet verse 9 tells us therefore. Due to what was just said the following took place. God highly exalted Him. Due to the depths of humility that Christ went He was highly exalted God. Because He humbled himself, He was exalted above all else. He was lifted up for the rescue of the lost and lifted up for His exaltation. Not only was He exalted but He was given the name which is above every name. This is a name so great that only among Catholics do you find people given this name. I have yet to meet someone other than a Catholic named Jesus or the Spanish pronunciation.

There are many positions in businesses and other organizations that people hold that no one else wants. There are positions that people hold that hardly receive a second thought or notice of recognition. During the past week the Trustees of the International Mission Board met to take care of the business of the IMB. During the week there were special recognitions handed out by the Board. One of which was a recognition of service to the teachers at the Missionary Learning Center near Richmond. When we think about the IMB we usually think of the missionaries or the President and not those who are in the supporting roles for the IMB. Without the work of the individuals who work at the Missionary Learning Center the missionaries of the SBC would not receive the necessary training before entering the field.

Third we see that our exaltation exalts Christ. When we look back at the context of this passage verses 5-11 are the example, or illustration, of what is being taught in verses 1-4. The idea in these verses is that there is a sense that we will also be exalted through our humility in service to God, but our exaltation will greatly exalt Christ. We will not be exalted to the same point that Christ is exalted. Our greatness is based in Christ’s greatness. Our work is to point to Christ. Our exaltation is to exalt Christ. Jesus’ name is the name which is above every name. His name is salvation. He is our salvation.

It is at the name of Jesus that every knee should bow, every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord. It is not money. George Bush. Bill Clinton. Saddam Huessein. Hamid Karzai. It is no one but Christ alone. He alone will reign in glory because of His humble work. He alone in His humility achieved ultimate greatness. In the Last Days, the AntiChrist will seek to force all people to submit to him. It will be required to declare loyalty and worship of him. The Christians in the early days of the church were required to declare with their mouth the worship of the Emperor. Romans tells us that it is “with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” A public declaration of loyalty and exaltation of Christ is necessary and required.

Are you committed to publicly declaring Christ? Are you committed to Christ alone?

In closing, some questions to consider about our humility.

1. How low are you willing to go?

a. To what depths are you willing to go in order to serve Christ?

2. Are you willing to be a fool for Christ?

a. Are you willing to be shamed for Christ?

b. Are you willing to be considered worthless and incapable of worthwhile work because of your commitment to Christ?

3. Do you desire to exalt Christ?

a. What is more important to you, Christ being exalted or your pride?

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