Saturday, September 30, 2006

Keep Your Current Operating System

Received this in an e-mail from a friend. Enjoy.

Dear Troubled User:

This is a very common problem that men complain about. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0, thinking that it is just a Utilities and Entertainment program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!!! It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and to return to Girlfriend 7.0. It is impossible to un-install, or purge the program files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is designed to not allow this. Look in your Wife 1.0 manual under Warnings-Alimony-Child Support . I recommend that you keep Wife1.0 and work on improving the situation. I suggest installing the background application "Yes Dear" to alleviate software augmentation. The best course of action is to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the system will return to normal anyway.

Wife 1.0 is a great program, but it tends to be very high maintenance. Wife 1.0 comes with several support programs, such as Clean and Sweep 3.0 , Cook It 1.5, and Do Bills 4.2. However, be very careful how you use these programs. Improper use will cause the system to launch the program Nag Nag 9.5 . Once this happens, the only way to improve the performance of Wife 1.0 is to purchase additional software. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Diamonds 5.0 !

WARNING!!! DO NOT , under any circumstances, install Secretary With Short Skirt 3.3. This application is not supported by Wife 1.0 and will cause irreversible damage to the operating system. It may even crash your system.

Best of luck,
Tech Support


I really enjoy reading a good book. I read some fiction, but sometimes, I struggle finding a good story. I have to be in the right mood to really get into a good story. However, I do read a lot for ministry and personal edification. So far this year, I completed enough books to take my total pages to nearly 3,000. When I finish the Pursuit of Holiness I will be over that mark. This does not count magazines and internet articles and newspapers read.

When I left for OBU in the fall of 1995 I did not read much. But after taking Introduction to Ministry Formation, now retitled, I have been reading almost nonstop. In-between college and seminary, I read The Cross of Christ for personal pleasure. In fact, one day I was late for work because at 4:35 am I sat down to read a couple of pages and kept going.

Some sites that are from magazines I read are: World Magazine and Christianity Today. Some sites I visit for reading are: Jim Elliff and iMonk.

Next year I plan to focus my reading on preaching. I hope to make a large purchase of preaching books and organize my reading plan to alternate between a preaching, theology and fiction. I need to read more fiction. It's good to get lost in a good story.

Reading keeps the mind young and the brain exercised. What do you exercise with?

At the end of the year, I will post a list of the books & pamphlets I have read this year.

On Being a Preacher

Being preacher/pastor is a very unique place in life. There is no other job like it. It possesses its own unique combination of stresses and joys. iMonk has a great article on being a preacher. He has aptly titled it The Preacher.

Read the article. Now use the information to encourage your pastor.

The Power of the Blood

Ephesians 1:1-2

I recently inherited a family heirloom: a pair of silver candlesticks and a pedestalled silver bowl my mother used to call a compote. I treasure these things because they were given to my parents by a grateful congregation my father served almost 100 years ago and because, when I was a small boy, it was my duty many times, especially at Christmas, to polish them. Out came the silver polish and the rags, and after much effort, they shone again as new. The same happened when they first came to me, tarnished by neglect over some time. However, I recently learned something new. I now find that, if I give them a good rub with a clean rag as soon as I see the shining silver become dull, I don't need any chemical polish. I can just use a little "elbow grease" instead. Frequent care saves a lot of work, and requires no special chemicals! It struck me that this is much like the sin to which we are all prone. Get rid of it as soon as we notice it entering our minds, and it requires much less effort to keep ourselves clean from it. Neglect it, and it is hard to erase. By the great effort of Jesus' death -- like the harsh chemical I once used -- we were first made clean. Now we learn how to stay clean the easy way! We can delight Jesus and our heavenly Father by shining every day with the brilliance of newly-polished silver.

The one who originally told that story has set the perfect illustration for what Christ had to do for us. Christ had to remove the years and Holiness is more than mere outward works that make us look good but inner desires that separate us from God. Sin is a lack of conformity to God’s will. Not desiring what God desires is sin. Not acting and thinking as God is sin. In our text today we see three truths concerning holiness that is transformed by the power of the blood of Christ.

The epistle to the Ephesians is believed by many to have been a circular letter. A letter written to many churches. When one church finished then another church would receive it. But there are those who believe the letter was directly written to the Ephesians. But whatever your view may be the letter is clearly inspired and intended for our understanding of God. This letter outlines the establishment and completion of Christ’s body. Simply put this letter teaches about becoming a Christian and what the church should look like.

The first truth we see is that we submit to God’s will. Notice in verse 1 it says Paul. Who was Paul? Well, he used to be Saul, a zealous persecutor of the church. His goal in life was to rid the world of as many Christians as possible. They were heretics worshipping Christ rather than God. He believed wholeheartedly that he was doing the will of God. Yet when Christ opened His eyes to sin and grace, He repented and never returned to persecuting the church but with the same zeal serving Christ and the establishment of the church. He was an apostle, one who had witnessed the risen Lord. One whose calling was to represent God on earth and accomplish the mission of God. He was an official representative of God. He was to do the Lord’s will.

Philippians 3:17 Paul tells them to follow his example which is then contrasted with those who said they followed Christ but did not truly love the Lord but actually hated God.

When I was a pastor, a sharp, fourteen-year-old young man who was well respected by his friends and leaders was in the youth group. He was a good student and an accomplished athlete. Zealous for the things of God, the young man served faithfully and volunteered for every project. He took a missions trip with us, witnessing to almost everyone he met.

At one point in his life he spent four hours a day in prayer. He heard many things from the Lord and shared them with others. What he shared was always a blessing. He acknowledged his call to the ministry and wanted to be a pastor before the age of twenty. He seemed to be an unshakable rock.

I loved this young man, recognized the call of God on his life, and invested my time in him. I had only one concern: He seemed to have too much confidence in himself. I wanted to say something to him but did not have a release to do so. I knew a change would come. He weathered some tough storms and yet stayed strong. Sometimes I questioned my discernment as I saw him endure severe trials.

A few years passed. He moved, and I began to travel full-time. But I kept in touch with him. I knew he would go through a breaking process. Since it had to take place, I had no idea what would happen but realized it was necessary for him in order to fulfill his destiny. This would be a similar process to Simon Peter's sifting.

When this young man was eighteen, his father contracted incurable cancer. He and his mother fasted and prayed, believing that his dad would be healed. Others joined with them as well. Only months earlier his dad had committed his life to the lordship of Jesus.

The father's condition grew worse. I was ministering in another city in Alabama when my wife called, urging me to telephone this young man. I reached him and could see he needed someone to encourage him.

I drove all that night after my last service, arriving at his house at four in the morning. His father's condition was so severe that the doctors gave him only days to live. He could not even communicate.

The young man was confident that his dad would rise up healed. I ministered to the family and left several hours later. The next morning we had a call saying things had taken a turn for the worse.

Lisa and I prayed immediately. As we did, God gave my wife a vision of Jesus standing by this man's bedside ready to take him home. Thirty minutes later the young man called and told us his father had passed away. He seemed to be his same strong self. But that was only the beginning.

That night he called some of his close friends to tell them his father had died. When they answered the phone, they were crying. He wondered how they had already heard the news. But they hadn't heard. The tears they were crying were for one of his best friends who had just been killed in an accident. In one day he had lost his father and a very good friend.

The shaking had begun. He was bewildered, frustrated, and numb. The presence of God seemed to have eluded him.

A month later, driving home, the young man came upon an accident which had just taken place. He had had emergency medical training and stopped. Everyone in both cars was a close friend of his. Two died in his arms while he was trying to help.

My young friend had reached his limit. He spent three hours in the woods praying and crying out to God. "Where are You? You said You would be my Comforter, and I have no comfort!"

It seemed as if God had turned His back on him. But this was, in fact, the first time his own strength had failed him.

He became angry with God. Why had He allowed this? He was not angry at his pastor, his family, or me. His offense was with God. He was consumed with frustration. God had failed him in his hour of greatest need.

"Lord, I've served You and laid many things down to follow You," he prayed. "Now You have abandoned me!" He believed God owed him something for all he had given up to serve Him.

Many people have experienced hurts and disappointments that are less extreme and some that are more. Many become offended with the Lord. They believe He should take into consideration all they have done for Him.

They are serving Him for the wrong reasons. We should not serve the Lord for what He can do but rather for who He is and what He has already done for us. Those who become offended do not fully realize how great a debt He has already paid for them to be free. They have forgotten from what manner of death they were delivered. They see through natural eyes rather than eternal.

This young man stopped going to church and started running around with the wrong crowd, frequenting bars and parties. In his frustration he wanted nothing to do with the things of the Lord. He wanted to avoid any contact with God.

He could not keep up this lifestyle for longer than two weeks, for his heart was deeply convicted. But he still refused to approach the Lord for six months. Even then the heavens seemed to be as brass. The presence of the Lord seemed nowhere to be found.

Over a year had gone by. Through several incidents he saw that God was still at work in his life. He approached God, but now it was different. He came humbly. After this time of trial was over, the Lord showed him how He had never left him. As his spiritual walk was restored, he learned to put his confidence in God's grace, not in his own strength.

I kept in touch with him. A year and a half later he told me things he had seen in himself that he never knew were there. "I was a man without character and shallow in all my relationships. I was raised by my dad to be strong outwardly, a self-made man. I could never have grown the way God wanted me to. I am thankful the Lord did not leave me in that condition.

"But what grieved my heart the most was not running around in bars and drinking. It was that I turned my back on the Holy Spirit. I love Him so much. My fellowship with Him has never been as sweet as it is now."

A lot of shaking occurred in his life. Self-confidence was eliminated. But this young man had the foundation that Simon Peter had, and it could not be taken away. Instead of building his life and ministry through pride, he is building by the grace of God.

What the Lord desires of us in following Him is found in the second part of the very opening phrase of Paul, by the will of God. That we be conformed to His will and follow in His ways. There is no other possible means to being conformed to the will of God than to be found cleansed in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

The second truth we see today is we are saints. We are not becoming saints but if we have been cleansed by Christ, we are saints! No questions, no hesitations. We are saints. Paul does not qualify his statement by saying, “To the saints at Ephesus, except those who do not read from the KJV or NIV, or who have never heard Billy Graham in person. Or who has not been certified as a FAITH witness partner or has never used the Four Spiritual Laws to win someone to Christ. Or you never were a Lad in RAs or a part of mission friends.” No qualifications. If you are saved you are a saint!

The Greek word for saint is hagios. Such as the Hagia Sophia. (too bad it is now a mosque) Anyway, it means holy ones. Saints are holy ones. If Christ has cleansed you are now holy. Are you conformed to the will of God? Are you conformed to His likeness? Do you resemble your heavenly Father? We are clean, pure, holy, but how?

“For a child to become clean, something else must become dirty.” Laws of Parenting, #2

I read the previous statement in an email recently and as I considered it among the others statements I could not help but realize how true this was. It was meant to be humorous and most parents can relate if they only reflect back on bath time for the kids. Almost without exception, the end result of a clean toddler or adolescent was a filthy tub or shower. How many times have you mothers (or maybe even a dad or two) had to follow-up bath time with a cleanup of the tub or shower? You remember the ring around the tub don’t you? Or maybe it was the muddy hand prints on the tub walls or even the dirt that made it all the way to the towel when drying off. Let’s face it! It’s true! For a child to become clean something else does have to get dirty!

Is this the only proof of the truth of this statement? Not in the least! How many of you have dipped paintbrushes into a crystal clear fluid only to see it immediately cloud up with the pigments of the paint on the brush? In automotive repair shops there is a hand cleaner that aids in removing the grease and oil from the mechanics hand. In the can it is white cream but when rubbed on the hands it is transformed into a grimy, filthy carrier of the dirt onto towels or rags or whatever is used to clean the hands. Are you getting the picture? For something to get clean, something else must become dirty. The principle is universal for the most part and also has spiritual application as well.

In the book of Isaiah we read “For all of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; and all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.” (Isaiah 64:6, NASB) The prophet tells us that we are unclean. Even the “good deeds” we do “are like filthy garments.” How did we get that way? Simple. The answer is Sin. We are all sinners (Rom
3:23) and because of God’s holiness that sin separates us from Him (Isaiah 59:2).

Through Isaiah the Lord has reassured us that not all is lost though, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.” (Isaiah 1:18, NAS) We can be cleansed!

Wait a minute! If I am to be cleansed something must get “dirty”. The filth of my sin when leaving me will fall upon something else, isn’t that the premise of our understanding? Yes, indeed something else carried away, and continues to carry away the filth of sin from me and from all that have their faith in God and His ways. That something is none other than the Son of God and His “soul cleansing blood”. On the cross of
Calvary, one dark day, the Son of God faced the penalty we all deserve. He was alone, forsaken by the Father Who had sent Him for this purpose.

"As a result of the anguish of His soul, He will see {it} and be satisfied; by His knowledge the Righteous One, My servant, will justify the many, as He will bear their iniquities." (Isaiah 53:11 NAS)

Our sin rested squarely upon Him in His trial and we are cleansed. He carried my sins to His grave, yet He did not remain there. On the third day He arose and is now seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. (Rom
8:34) May God be praised without end for His mercy!

In order for us to be called saints Christ endured our sin. He became dirty for us. It is through His shed blood that we are clean. Every time you disobeyed and stayed out past curfew has been paid. Christ paid it for you. Every time you drank alcohol before you were legal has been paid for you. Every time you insulted someone has been paid for you. Everyday you were living in your own will and not God’s has been paid for you. Every sin has been cast upon Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says that God made Him who knew no sin to be sin that we might become righteous. Have you allowed the righteousness of God to be your righteousness? What do you cling to for your salvation? What drives you in life?

The third truth we see today is that we are faithful. You might be thinking, how? In what way? How can we be faithful? Some of you might be thinking, Amen preacher, that’s right we are faithful.

How can we who were sin be holy and faithful? When you read in the papers about pastors who aren’t faithful, you know supposedly the cream of the crop, how can the church be called faithful?

This is faithfulness according to the standard of God. How is it that we are faithful? I was an avid fan of the Dallas Cowboys. Every Sunday during football season I came home from church and turned on the game. I waited to change out of my suit during a commercial. If my wife needed help, for­get it. "Honey, the Cowboys are playing!" We ate lunch at halftime or after the game.

On one particular Sunday there was a crucial game. The Dallas cowboys were playing the Philadelphia Eagles. The winner would earn a seat in the playoffs; the loser would he eliminated.

The game was exciting, with only eight minutes left. The Cowboys were behind by four points, but they had the ball and were on the move. I kept thinking, They're going to (rive the ball clown the field and win this game in the last few minutes like they've done many times before. I was on my feet in my living room along with the crowd in the sta­dium.

All of a Sudden the Spirit of God entreated me to pray! The burden was tremendous. I knew it wasn't something to which I could respond later. It was for now!

I pleaded, "Lord, there are only eight minutes left in the game. Wait and I'll pray five hours when this game is over." How could eight minutes .hurt anything, I reasoned. Surely I can pray about whatever He wants me to after this game. But the urgency and burden did not lift; it became stronger.

I bargained again, "Lord, I'll pray the rest of the day and even into the evening if I have to. Just let me watch these last couple of minutes."

After all, I thought, I'm being generous! But the burden remained, and there was a deep knowing within that my negotiations had been denied.

I comforted myself with what I thought was a fair com­promise. I'll pray for hours. Surely nothing could happen in the next few minutes that couldn't be covered in five hours of prayer. I knew it was a compromise I could keep because the rest of my day was free.

So, do you know what I did? I watched the rest of the game. When it was over I immediately marched off to my bedroom and locked the door behind me. I got down on my face, prepared to pray for a minimum of five hours. I meant what I had promised.

For fifteen minutes I wrestled and tried to pray, but it was a struggle. It was as dry and boring as any prayer could be. The urgency and ability to pray was gone. The burden had lifted. I knew I had been wrong. Conviction overwhelmed me. God showed me that what I wanted had taken greater importance than what He desired. After sev­eral minutes of dry silence, God spoke, "Son, I don't want your five hours of sacrifice. I want obedience!"

These words riveted me. I lay speechless before a holy God. How could I have been so deceived as to count the eight minutes trivial when God was calling me then. How could I have treated His desire and will so lightly! I had chosen a carnal football game over obeying God...

Returning to my example of the Dallas Cowboy's football game, I had been a Christian for quite awhile. I served diligently in full-time ministry, often fifty to seventy hours a week and at Sunday services. I was often the last one to leave the building. Having done all this, when the Spirit of God came upon me to pray, I felt I could ignore His calling voice because, after all, I was His faithful, hardworking servant.

So by my unspoken attitude I was asserting to God that I had the right to pick and choose When I would listen to and obey His voice. It was optional because I was so loyal and hardworking. We must remember that a thousand acts of obedience do not justify one act of disobedience!

That I could have been so ignorant and arrogant now makes me want to weep. Jesus gave His very life for me, and I smugly judged His leading as optional because of my menial works! May God keep us from the subtle deception that leads to disobedience!

Our faithfulness is only due to His strength in us provided by His blood for us! We can never claim our greatness but only His. We are righteous and holy because of His righteousness in us. Leviticus 11:45 tells us to be holy for He is holy. We are to be holy because God himself is Holy. That is His nature. Our nature is sinfulness and selfishness, but His nature is holiness and purity. We are to be conformed to His image. We are to be as He is. This idea of faithfulness is applicable to two areas of life. Who we are. We are to look like Christ. And what we are. We are to be devoted, zealous followers of Jesus Christ. He is the object of our faith. Our faith and faithfulness are to unite us to Christ and to His people. We are citizens of this earthly world but we are also citizens of God’s kingdom. May we be found faithful to His kingdom above this passing world.

Some thoughts of response.

Are you devoted to God or man’s desires?

Are you found holy according to God’s standard or the checklist of man?

Are you faithful to do the work of God above the work of man?

Little Reminders of the Little Kids

Connor loves to "drive" Daddy's car. If he is outside playing when I come home, I will usually let him "drive." He loves to jerk the steering wheel back and forth and turn on the wipers, the blinkers, and turn the radio, AC/Heater fan full blast. And of course the air temperature is turned to obnoxiously stuffy hot.

I love turning my car on and going deaf and being instantly dried up like a fall leaf from the blast of the heater. It reminds me of Connor. Kids are such a joy.

Superstitious Christians

I enjoy a good challenge in the faith and sometimes a good laugh, but many times, a challenge is found by laughing at someone else. THEN you realize how you fall short as well. On iMonk there is a link to a post about superstitious Christians. A great read and great challenge.

Do we hold some irrational ideas and thoughts in the Christian life? There is no luck, just God's grace and sovereignty.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

More Thoughts on Holiness

I have read the Pursuit of Holiness before and was deeply convicted. When someone can aptly describe holiness in biblical terms then you are on the road to some serious conviction.

Have you ever considered what holiness really looks like?

Picture Christ and you are on the right path. I wish I could find it in the book but Bridges at one point says that holiness is not just doing the right things, saying the right things but being conformed to the will of God.

When we are conformed to God's will then we will do the right things, say the right things but we will also be concerned with what concerns God, we will be living and have the same purpose as Christ had when He walked earth. What was Christ's purpose? To do the will of the Father.

May we be conformed to the will of God that we might be holy.

"Be holy for I am holy."

The Blankie Brothers

Connor and Brennan enjoyed some quality brother time hanging out on Mommy and Daddy's bed with their blankies. Brennan really thinks a lot of Connor and tries to do whatever Connor does. Nothing better than a piece of fuzz in the mouth! ;)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Thoughts on Holiness

I have been reading through the Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. Here are some quotes from this excellent book on Holiness.

"It is compromise on the little issues
that leads to greater downfalls."
page 23

"It is not the importance of the thing,
but the majesty of the Lawgiver,
that is to be the standard of obedience."
page 23

"It is His holiness
more than any other attribute
that makes Him worthy of our praise."
page 29

The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

This Week

Last night we had the church's first full outreach opportunity. We had a Community BBQ Dinner and had special music by a Southern Gospel group. For a church that averages 50 on a Sunday morning we had a great turnout of 126. The disappointing result was that most were churched people there to hear the music. We did have some who were not churched but do not live in our area. BUT it was a start and you have to start somewhere.

Today through Wednesday evening we are having revival services. What an opportunity to be challenged in our fiath. We have Larry Grays here with us this week. I am so thankful for men like him who travel and share with churches and spend time away from their families to be with us.

Be back to normal next Sunday.

Psalm 12

1. The Godly man ceases to be- nowhere to be found; nonexistent.

a. Faithful- those who are certain in God

b. Faithful- those who are upheld by God’s arms

c. Disappear from among the sons of men- they are gone, nonexistent

d. Could it be in our society that the church is not being effective in reaching the lost? Lack of influence because of lack of numbers? effective work?

2. They speak falsehood to one another

a. People in general

b. Flattering lips/double heart- falsehood pours from their mouths/two-faced

c. The Chinese consider a double-hearted man to be base; unclean and rotten

d. What ways are we even the saved found to be double-hearted, hypocritical?

3. May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, tongues

a. Gossip is lies never said to someone’s face; Flattery is lies said to someone’s face.

b. This verse promises destruction for the untruthful. Those who fall in the category of the unsaved are the flattering.

c. What can we as a church do to rescue the flattering, the unsaved?

4. This verse demonstrates the complete blindness of the flatterers. Just because not all lost people act arrogant or prideful does not mean they are not lost. All who are without Christ are in the predicament as the flatterers and the arrogant.

a. What ultimately is the church capable of doing to bring the lost to salvation?

b. How will the Lord work to bring the lost to salvation if the church is not a part of the process?

5. Why does the Lord assist the afflicted, according to this verse? They are His people.

a. The afflicted are the saints and the Lord will right the wrong for the saints.

6. The Lord’s words are perfect, unblemished, of great worth, perfectly pure.

7. He will keep His word which is to preserve His people.

8. Despite the truth of the deliverance of the people of God the wicked still hold to their arrogance. They still believe they are great and are on the perfect path.

Psalm 11

In Psalm 11 we see the security of God in His righteousness. In Verse 1 the Psalmist, David, chastising his enemies because they are tempting him to flee from the protection of God. How dare you tell me to flee from God? He chastises them because they tempt him to do what is actual to his detriment. With the use of the word ‘soul’ we see that they were trying to destroy his faith. The word flee is describing a wandering fugitive. If David were to leave God his faith would not be true and he would truly be a wandering fugitive. Satan desires to use anything to merely cause us to be removed from our God. These are merely vain threats in comparison to the security of our God.

In verse 3 we see the hypothetic destruction of the foundations. God’s word is our foundation because it is the only revelation of God we possess. But the true foundation is God himself. The foundation is what secures our faith, what gives us our faith. Our foundation is the object of our worship. We do not worship the Bible, we worship God. In your context of life, what ways or schemes does the devil employ in order to destroy the foundation of the believer? Some ideas may be overscheduling, sickness of relatives, family problems, conflict, laziness/apathy, or fear. Anything that will keep people from God. Others may be the accusation of being legalistic or fundamentalist. So we try not to be so dogmatic about our Bible intake or church attendance. What are ways that we as the church can combat this in our own personal lives? We had a good discussion about this the Wednesday we covered this Psalm. It came down to prayer for the young families and to encourage them. But ultimately this comes down to each individual making that decision for themselves.

In verse 4 we see the Lord’s authority being established. His dwelling on earth was in the temple, and now we are His temple. He belongs in the temple that is dedicated to his worship. His throne is where He rules. It is with His eyes, Christ is described as having eyes of flames, that He will try the hearts of men. In verse 5 all people will be tried by god. The Lord cannot have evil and sinfulness in His presence. Verse 6 we see that God’s nature is completely opposed to unrighteousness. Those who are wicked, apart from God and Christ without the Spirit, will eternally be destroyed with the destruction that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah. That is their reward for their wicked lives. Wicked lives are any life that is lived apart from the saving power of Christ’s blood.

Finally in verse 7 we see that God’s desire and nature are for righteousness. The righteous will enjoy the Lord forever and they will receive the blessing of His presence.

The pressures of this world are worthwhile in order to enjoy the blessings of the Lord. May we persevere in doing His will and seeking that the lost may be found.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Calvinism and the SBC

At this year's convention and leading up to it, there has been a lot of talk about Calvinism. Some say it will only harm the SBC others say it will bring us back to our roots.

Baptist Press has an article summarizing research done by the newly formed LifeWay Research. They say 10% of SBC pastors are five point Calvinists. Not very many then, but how many hold a reformed/calvinist view without being five pointers? That's what I want to know.

Great review of the research findings. The discussion as a whole is healthy. May it never distract from the mission of the church.

Moe's, Bring Back the Colored Chips!!!

After my wife and I ate at Moe's Southwest Grill for the first time we were hooked. Huge burritos that tasted wonderful. In Raleigh, good Tex-Mex is hard to come by and Moe's was a welcomed addition to the food options. They were also the only place you received patriotic red, white and blue chips. Okay, not white but yellow. Now they are gone.

It was disappointing to receive a basketful of yellow corn chips. I was told it was for health reasons they changed the chips to all yellow corn chips. Who goes to Moe's to eat healthy? I never did. Anyway, if you eat at Moe's and want to complain please do it here.

The chips are not that good anymore, but the burritos haven't changed.

Bring back the colored chips!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm a Christian, therefore I'm Rich

In the Septmeber 18 issue of Time Magazine, the cover story is "Does God Want You to Be Rich?" (Must log in to read entire article) An interesting question that many have said "yes" to. The article quotes Rick Warren many times in opposition to the Gospel of Wealth.

This article presents many great questions and thoughts concerning passages that are used to support Health and Wealth Gospel.

God desires our blessing and for us to have an abundant life, but are earthly riches really the answer?

Get a copy and read. You might be glad you did.

Coming Soon

We have a revival week coming up and so I do not yet have last weeks Psalm typed to post. As soon as possible that will be up.

The Humbled God

Philippians 2:5-11

In many major corporations to reach the top you have to start at the bottom. At UPS in order to become upper management you must begin as a truck loader. At Wal-Mart, the story goes that Sam Walton required his sons to work in the stores in various positions before they could assume their position at the top of the company. These experiences produced a since of humility that would lead them in their work in management.

In our passage today we see three truths concerning the humility of Christ.

First we see that humility is a thing to be grasped. In verse 5 Paul tells the Philippians to have this attitude in yourselves. He wants for them to resemble what he is about to say. This is about their mindset and not just their actions. Anybody can become disciplined enough or even have a desire to be humble but to actually possess the mindset is a far greater virtue. To possess the mindset is not to gain salvation but because of your salvation to possess the mindset is a sign of an inner change. This is not just any mindset but how Christ thought. Christ is more than just a great example. He is more than the ultimate example. He is the only way unto salvation. But because He was God when we look at how He lived we do see an example of living worthy of imitating. And now Paul is going to describe the mindset of Christ.

The text in verse 6 tells us that Christ existed in the form of God. He was God. He was the same essence, matter, if you will, as God because He was God. Notice the text says although. We are about to see that despite Christ being God He denied himself some of the privileges of being God. Although being God, He did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped. Despite being God He did not cling to the exaltation of God. He did not make people bow down and pay Him homage. Despite being God He did not force people to serve Him. Instead in verse 7, we see that He actually emptied Himself of some of the privileges of being God. He gave them up. He did not stop being God, but He simply allowed some of the privileges be passed out of himself.

Verse 7 tells us that He took the form of a bondservant and the likeness of men. His life exemplified a bond-servant. His form what He looked like was that of a bond-servant. Our Savior, our God looked like a servant. He took on the form of a servant. Then God, the Creator, becomes a part of the creation. The God who can do all things becomes a part of the creation that is limited in power. Christ Jesus willingly submits to the limitations of creation.

Christ did not seek the greatness He deserved during His time as a man on this earth. He sought to serve. The Creator of the universe came to earth to serve. He came to redeem mankind. He came to die on behalf of mankind. Yet He was God. He was the creator. Imagine if you were Judas. You have already received payment for agreeing to turn Jesus over. You are in the upper room. No one has taken the initiative to wash the feet of everyone in the room. Yet Jesus, God, the Redeemer, who knows He is about to die a cruel and painful death for Judas if He would have faith in Jesus, washes the feet of His betrayer.

Mark 10:45 tells us that the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many. His ultimate goal was to be a servant and to redeem mankind. Philippians 1:1 tells us that Paul and Timothy who are bondservants of Christ Jesus. Two men who emulate the example of Jesus. Seek humility.

Second we see that Christ’s ultimate humility brought ultimate exaltation. In verse 8 we see that Christ was actually in the appearance of a man. The passage says being found in the appearance of a man. God in the flesh. The fact that Jesus died is amazing enough but it was through His death that we see the depths of humility that He went. Verse 8 tells us that He humbled Himself even to the point of death. He humbled Himself before the point of death but He humbled Himself even more to allow Himself to die. Yet even that was not the full distance of His humbling. He died even on a cross. The Old Testament tells us, “Cursed is the man who hangs on a tree.” He allowed Himself to be considered a curse for the sake of the redemption of mankind and the obedience to the Father. How great is our God because He humbled Himself so low.

Yet verse 9 tells us therefore. Due to what was just said the following took place. God highly exalted Him. Due to the depths of humility that Christ went He was highly exalted God. Because He humbled himself, He was exalted above all else. He was lifted up for the rescue of the lost and lifted up for His exaltation. Not only was He exalted but He was given the name which is above every name. This is a name so great that only among Catholics do you find people given this name. I have yet to meet someone other than a Catholic named Jesus or the Spanish pronunciation.

There are many positions in businesses and other organizations that people hold that no one else wants. There are positions that people hold that hardly receive a second thought or notice of recognition. During the past week the Trustees of the International Mission Board met to take care of the business of the IMB. During the week there were special recognitions handed out by the Board. One of which was a recognition of service to the teachers at the Missionary Learning Center near Richmond. When we think about the IMB we usually think of the missionaries or the President and not those who are in the supporting roles for the IMB. Without the work of the individuals who work at the Missionary Learning Center the missionaries of the SBC would not receive the necessary training before entering the field.

Third we see that our exaltation exalts Christ. When we look back at the context of this passage verses 5-11 are the example, or illustration, of what is being taught in verses 1-4. The idea in these verses is that there is a sense that we will also be exalted through our humility in service to God, but our exaltation will greatly exalt Christ. We will not be exalted to the same point that Christ is exalted. Our greatness is based in Christ’s greatness. Our work is to point to Christ. Our exaltation is to exalt Christ. Jesus’ name is the name which is above every name. His name is salvation. He is our salvation.

It is at the name of Jesus that every knee should bow, every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord. It is not money. George Bush. Bill Clinton. Saddam Huessein. Hamid Karzai. It is no one but Christ alone. He alone will reign in glory because of His humble work. He alone in His humility achieved ultimate greatness. In the Last Days, the AntiChrist will seek to force all people to submit to him. It will be required to declare loyalty and worship of him. The Christians in the early days of the church were required to declare with their mouth the worship of the Emperor. Romans tells us that it is “with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” A public declaration of loyalty and exaltation of Christ is necessary and required.

Are you committed to publicly declaring Christ? Are you committed to Christ alone?

In closing, some questions to consider about our humility.

1. How low are you willing to go?

a. To what depths are you willing to go in order to serve Christ?

2. Are you willing to be a fool for Christ?

a. Are you willing to be shamed for Christ?

b. Are you willing to be considered worthless and incapable of worthwhile work because of your commitment to Christ?

3. Do you desire to exalt Christ?

a. What is more important to you, Christ being exalted or your pride?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Brothers

A couple of pictures we took of the boys together.

Brennan is sitting up better but really needs the boppy.
Connor loves his little brother.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Striving for the Gospel

Philippians 2:1-4

In any war, especially within the past twenty years, there is always the disappointing loss of soldiers due to friendly fire. Soldiers lose their lives due to the unfortunate mistake of being fired upon by their own countrymen. Despite the disappointment of the loss, both the shooter and the victim were serving to accomplish one goal and that is to win the war. Both are working and sacrificing their time, comfort, energy, family time, and even their lives in order to win the war and protect the lives of their fellow countrymen at home.

When the planning of the war begins, every branch of service coordinates with each other in order to avoid these mistakes. In the planning each rank submits to the orders of their commanders. Each man in the division submits to the orders of their commander. During combat each soldier will at some point provide cover for another soldier in order that they accomplish their task. In the end, a successful war is waged when each person accomplishes their task for the benefit of another. One person does not perform every task or tell everybody what to do, but each person works together. Each person works to serve one another.

In the life of the church, we are at war in battle with the forces of Satan and his evil followers. Those who would seek to provide harm for the detriment of mankind. If we are to successfully win the war, then we must set aside the attitudes and desires that will only hinder the unity of the church. Set aside the actions and words that will only provide division. We must join together for the benefit of one another in order to accomplish the task of expanding God’s Kingdom.

In our passage today we will see three characteristics of Striving for the Gospel.

First we see that God is the foundation to striving together. When we look at the context of this passage we see that from 27 of chapter 1 on is what the “therefore” in verse 1 refers to. Paul desires to hear that they standing firm in one spirit and with one mind striving for the gospel. Paul says I want to see you striving for the gospel to reach the ends of the earth. I want to hear that you are striving to expand the kingdom of God. The gospel is not just some nice story but a blessing to be intentionally shared with others. How often do we hold that blessing to ourselves? Then Paul talks about the suffering that comes with striving for the gospel. Then we reach verse 1, any encouragement in Christ, or the Son. Any consolation of love, or love of God. Any fellowship of the Spirit. We have here a three part form to the Godhead. Father, Son, Spirit. It demonstrates the unity of the three persons of God. Are you discouraged in the road you travel? Are you tired of the constant pestering that comes your way? Do you feel that you can never do anything right? Do you feel the constant pressure to be perfect? If you need encouragement it is in Christ. The suffering we experience is intended by one to knock us off track. Christ is your encouragement. Do you feel lonely? Do you feel that no one else cares about you or what you endure in life? Do you feel that no matter what happens in your life no one else cares or even thinks about what your life may be like? There is consoling in the love of God. There is comfort. There is peace and serenity to the noise of life. There is fellowship of the Spirit. There is communion with another who will never leave nor forsake the children of God. Please be reminded of the context. If you are not striving to truly live for God as He desires, your troubles may actually be because you are on the wrong path. Your troubles may be a result of your course rather than be an attempt to get you off course.

Richard Wurmbrand a great example and model of perseverance in the midst of trials and suffering spent over ten years in prison for his Christian witness and many of those years being in solitary confinement. How did he withstand such trials and vast lengths of time without going psychotic? He talks of the sweetness of singing the great hymns of the faith. Quoting Scripture. He found peace and serenity in his relationship with Christ. May He be your comfort in distress that seeks to pull you away from Him.

Second characteristic that we see is being the same is the need to striving together. If we are to truly strive together what do we need? We need the same purpose. We need the same desires. In verse 2 Paul tells the Philippians that they should be of the same mind. They would possess the same thought patterns. They would have the same thoughts. He desires that they would possess the same love. Not that they would love the same things but that they would each have the same love! Their love would look the same. They would love unconditionally. Their love would produce the same service and care for others. The point is that their love would be the same. It would be of the same substance and essence. What is a great example of love? Christ. If the striving for the gospel is based in God then he would be the greatest example of what this love would look like. His demonstration of love is one of self-sacrifice. His love is one of looking out for the needs of others. His love is one of seeking to better others and denying himself the reward of men’s applause. Paul desires that the Philippians be united in spirit. That at the core of their being they are the same. They are alive in Christ. They are led by the same Spirit, the Holy Spirit. They are on the same track with regards to who they serve. Finally Paul desires that they are intent on one purpose. What is that one purpose? Is it that they get as many members in their church as possible? Is it that they have a better VBS than any other church? Is it that they record more visitors than anyone else? Is it that they have the largest budget of any other church in their convention? Or is it found in verse 27 of chapter 1? “That you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel.” We partner and assist with another church and with the Greenwich family so that we may expand God’s kingdom through the proclamation of the Gospel. We went to PA in order that we may be a part of the work of proclaiming the gospel. Our purpose is to strive for the gospel. Some may say well that was for them, they didn’t have the knowledge and resources we do so they had to go and do. Well, okay, but when does the thought of that was for them not for us end? Where do we stop saying that was for them and not for us? Why should we stop going to the ends of the earth? Where did that command end and a new era of staying home begin? Our purpose is to stand for the gospel and proclaim it.

The third characteristic we see us that selflessness is the outworking to striving together. Verses 3 & 4 tell us do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit. Do nothing simply because it is beneficial for you or because it causes to promote you as great and good. Notice in verse 3 that it says with humility of mind let each of you. Notice how Paul has been talking to the church in general. The whole group. The group as a whole and then here in verse 3 he says each of you. He is bringing this down to every single one of them. It is now individual responsibility. In order for this to work, each one of them must have verse 2 true in their life. In order for this to work they must now each have God as their foundation. He must have regenerated them. How else will a large group of people work together and consider others better than themselves unless they have been regenerated? To consider each one more important than yourself. Think of everyone else as more important than you are. Treat each person as more important than you are. Verse 4 is a more simplified explanation of verse 3. Paul tells them, you need to look out for your needs. How silly would it be to neglect your own spiritual or physical needs? But he says, look out for the interests of others. Consider what other people need. Think about what they need in addition to what you need. But consider others more important than yourselves. Could it be that Paul is saying the lost people that you are striving together for the gospel for, consider what they need as more important than what you need. You are saved so if in bringing the gospel to them you die their lostness is a greater need.

In response today, four questions to consider.

1. What program(s) will benefit others more than me?

2. What can I do that no one else is willing?

3. What do I need to ignore so that I may be a part of the work of the church?

4. What can I do to bring others to Christ?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tropical Storm Ernesto

As you can tell, Sunday's sermon is late in posting. We were without power from Friday morning until Monday afternoon. Ernesto left a path of downed trees and flooded homes. We faired very well compared to some of our neighbors. Many people say this is just as bad as when Hurricane Isabel came through. Pray for those affected by this storm, and pray the Lord will use His people to affect spiritual change in the hearts of the lost. Northumberland County, where we live, was one of the hardest hit counties.

Tonight is a quarterly administration meeting (AKA Business Meeting) so there will be no Psalms this week. Pray for New Hope as the Lord desires to use His people. Pray that the church will submit to the will of the Lord and the mission for His church.

Rescued From Death

Exodus 12:1-13

Imagine being born a slave. Your people, those that share your ethnic heritage, are slaves throughout the country you live in. Everyday you and your family wake up and go work and serve doing backbreaking labor that is forced upon you. The heat is intense and the work is torturous. Your captors are cruel and hate you. Your captors fear you therefore they separate family from family and begin killing the male babies that are born. This cruelty has been in existence for your people for far longer than you have been alive.

One day a man comes and demands the freedom of your people. The ruler of the land laughs and mocks him and says fine their work has been doubled. How would you react? How would you react to this man who has come to free you but has only increased your workload? The work was hard enough but now more is required!

God chose the Hebrews for his people. They were His people chosen by His grace. Through Moses God worked wonders in order to break the cruel and totalitarian grip of the Egyptian rule. The workload was to punish and subdue the Hebrews in order that they may run this Moses out of town and they would stay.

The Hebrews would be used of God to demonstrate His greatness and mighty power throughout the world. As God began the process of breaking the bondage of the Egyptians He brought plagues upon the land. Nine plagues had plundered the land, and the tenth was about to come. The Lord commanded the Hebrews what must be done in order to spare the people. This is the only plague that the Hebrews were required to perform a certain ritual, ceremony, observance in order to be spared its effects. What they were required to do was to demonstrate a spiritual significance that would be seen in the sacrifice of Christ.

As we look at the Passover Lamb this morning in Exodus 12:1-13 we will see three references to Christ’s work that apply to our lives.

First we see that God brings new life through Christ.

In verse 1 we see the Lord speaking to Moses and Aaron. He is directing them as to what should be done. The Lord has just poured out nine plagues upon Egypt and the tenth is about to come. Notice verse 2, The Lord tells them that this month shall be the beginning of months for you. He would not say this if it were already in this manner. This month will be the beginning. It will now be a new year! A new beginning! The fact that their calendar is changing is significant. It’s as if someone were to say, “June will be a new year. From now on the year begins in June!” God is bringing the Hebrews out of the society of the Egyptians. For all of the Hebrews, Egypt is all they have known. Now God will make them a nation outside of the influence of the Egypt. He will be their king and Egypt will no longer be their master. It is the first month of the year to you. It is a new beginning, and the Lord is calling them to a new life with Him.

A new school year always brings a new opportunity a new start. You have had about three months to rethink what you want out of the next school year and forget about the bad of the last. It is a new opportunity as you face new classes and a clean start for grades. We today are looking at a new year for the church. For the most part, we face a clean slate, a clean calendar. We have the opportunity to allow this church year to be completely dedicated to the Lord. Will we allow God’s will to direct our planning? Will we commit to finding ways to making our activities conformed to the mission and the purpose God has for us as His church, His body of believers?

We are told in 2 Cor. 5:17- that if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has past away and behold the new has come. If you are in Christ you are a new creation. A new beginning. A fresh start. The old is gone now live a new life for Christ. All sin has been paid for.

The second reference to Christ’s work is we shall be marked with Christ’s blood.

On the tenth day they were to find a lamb or goat that they would sacrifice. They were to keep it in their house until the fourteenth day. Imagine what would happen in a house with a lamb or goat in it for four days. The children would begin to treat it as a pet. The parents would begin to adapt to the routine of caring for it. The people would identify with it. It would be a part of the family. Then on the fourth day as darkness would begin to fall, they were to sacrifice the animal in a prescribed manner. Then they would mark their door posts with the blood of the sacrifice. The angel would know that house belongs to the people of God. The blood of the sacrifice would protect them from the death that would come otherwise.

It used to be in war that if you were medic or chaplain you were exempt from being targeted in war. If an enemy soldier spotted the chaplain’s cross or the medic’s red cross they were to be excused from target. These were rules of war that would allow the humane treatment of all people. If you possessed these symbols on your uniform then you were passed over for killing or inhumane treatment. So much so that in prison camps, often times the medics were allowed to treat the wounded.

Verse 13 tells us that the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you and no plague will befall to destroy you. John 13:8 Jesus tells His disciples that if I do not wash you then you have no part with me. We are cleansed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. The Spirit is the seal of our salvation. It is through the blood of Christ that we are sealed unto salvation and cleansed.

The third reference to Christ’s work is identifying with Christ rescues us from our sin.

In the sacrificial system of the Old Testament, the high priest must identify with the people in order to sacrifice on their behalf. Here at the first Passover, the people must identify with their sacrifice. The one who will provide the means for their redemption. For Christ he came and identified with the people that He would be sacrificing on the behalf of, and now we must identify with our Savior.

In order for salvation to be evident we must be like Christ. So many times people say, I don’t need church they don’t look any different. They don’t have anything that I want. That is because those particular believers have not identified with Christ. Do you display the humility and gentleness of Christ? Have we truly identified with our sacrifice? I imagine the children had memorized each spot or unique feature their sacrifice by the time it died for them. Do we in our lives recognize the areas of our lives that Christ now rules? How have you changed since the day of your salvation? What is different about you? What personality traits or qualities have changed? What rules and leads your life now?