Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Psalm VII

1. Refuge- seek refuge: flee for protection; put trust in God;

a. Or confide- The vulnerability of confiding in someone else.

b. Do we open up our most protected area to God?

c. Do we trust Him to let Him see our deepest and darkest secrets?

2. Tear- presents the idea of one taking possession of the other.

a. Part of the idea here is that the ones pursuing David have no moral or legal reason to attempt to possess Him.

b. Do we allow ourselves to be taken as a possession by someone or something other than God?

c. What is a temptation for us to allow to take us as a possession other than God?

d. What are we tempted to pay attention to more than God?

3. If I am guilty of what these are doing.

4. If I have taken and destroyed the innocent. If I have falsely charged and punished the innocent.

5. Pursue- hunt; follow after; seeking to take hold of

a. Understanding that even in his greatness his deserved reward apart from God’s grace is destruction.

b. Even in our innocence according to this world, apart from God’s grace, we still deserve destruction.

c. How often do we intentionally recognize and declare to God His greatness and our weakness?

6. When we see wickedness ruling in the world what is our normal reaction to it?

a. Do we recognize that God is ultimately in control?

b. Do we believe that God has ordained that evil be or that in his patience allows us to experience the consequences of our sinfulness?

c. Spurgeon- “God’s silence is the patience of longsuffering, and if wearisome to the saints, they should bear it cheerfully in the hope that sinners may thereby be led to repentance.”

7. David is saying, In case I am not enough, Lord please remember all of these others.

8. What do we hold to when we stand before the Lord/

a. What do most people trust in to get them into heaven?

b. What is seen in the average Christian life that makes other people think salvation is about works and not Christ?

c. What should be our claim to be able to stand before God?

9. One day all wickedness will end. We must trust the Lord to conquer the wicked and establish His people.

a. What are some ways that God’s people can demonstrate their trust that God will conquer the wicked?

b. What reasons do we fear the Lord searching our heart?

10. Are you pure and righteous in heart?

a. Upright- Blameless, Possessing Discernment.

b. Granting the ability to recognize the divine law rather than ourselves.

11. Indignation- experiencing or expressing intense anger.

a. Why does the idea of God’s anger turn so many people off?

b. What is the best way to describe or explain God’s anger?

12. Repent

a. What is our point of reference in repentance? What are we turning from and turning to?

b. Return to the covenant terms.




16. The one in iniquity is the beast. He is his own demise.

17. This is the occupation of the godly. To give thanks to God, conversely, the unjust do not praise God.

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