Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Confidence in the Truth

Acts 4:13-20

While we lived in North Carolina there came a time where the state pondered halting all executions due to a growing number of death row inmates who were being freed based on DNA evidence. Testimonies and evidence seemed to point to these men as the murderers, but years later they were winning in the courtroom in order for more advanced DNA technology to be used to prove their guilt or innocence. Many were found to have been falsely convicted and then released.

Because of their knowledge of the truth in their cases they confidently fought and contended for their innocence. They took whatever means to be cleared of all charges and be set free.

In Acts 4 we see Peter and John confidently standing on the truth and allowing Christ to proclaim the truth through them in the Spirit. We are told in John 16:13 that the Spirit is the spirit of Truth, and the one who proclaims the Truth to the world. How much more will he proclaim the truth through us when we seek to proclaim Christ?

In Acts 4:13-20, we see the unwavering, confident faith of Peter and John. In the midst of their enemies they confidently proclaim the truth. They do not fear or tremble but they stand firmly in the face of persecution. They demonstrate confidence in the truth.

Today we will see three truths concerning confidence in the truth.

A proper confidence in believers is founded in being with Christ.

During Jesus’ time on earth, the religious leaders and authorities on numerous occasions sought to silence his teaching and remove him from influence among the people. The Jews were thankful for the relative peace in which they lived under Roman rule. If they could keep relatively quiet in their homeland, the Romans would leave them alone. When Jesus came along and began to claim himself as King of the Jews, the leaders feared there would be a political uprising and the end of their peace under Roman rule. Now the followers of Jesus are proclaiming this name and the teachings of Jesus. The Jewish leaders are faced with a continuing conflict with this man and his teaching. Now they have Peter and John before them and the possibility of ending this problem. As they question them and observe them, they recognize these men are not educated. Well, not educated according to their tradition. They did not attend the religious schools of the Jews. It would be like today if someone were to say, well you didn’t go to the right seminary. You didn’t go to one of the Southern Baptist Seminaries or to Dallas Theological Seminary or what other school they think is so great. They were not taught according to the prescribed proper formula they had established. It was not according to the traditions of the Jews, therefore it was wrong. It was not adequate. Then verse 13 says they were amazed.

Amazed at what? Amazed at their confidence. Basically, in their minds they are thinking, these men are stupid ignorant folk who don’t know anything but look how confident they are! Look they do not fear us! Then they realize as they observe them and question them that they have been with Christ. They recognize Christ in them. When it comes right down to it, they went to the proper school. They went to the school of following Jesus for three years. How many of us can say that for three years we followed Jesus wherever he went and did whatever he tells us? The Spirit is molding them to look like Christ, and they are observing the teachings of Christ. Then when the teachers of the Law see the man who had been healed, they realize that these uneducated men have the power of God to heal. They cannot argue with a healing that so many people have now observed the changed man. The foundation for the confidence of Peter and John was their time with Christ.

Wal-Mart is a corporation whose reach is literally global. They touch nearly every market in the world whether through the purchase of products that they sell or by the placement of stores and other business ventures. One of the principles or ideals for Sam Walton the founder of the Wal-Mart Corporation was to provide stores in the small towns. After Sam Walton’s death, you could see a gradual shift in the practices of the company over the next few years. Wal-Mart stores in the small towns were closed as new stores opened a short distance away in a more heavily trafficked area. Those who work for Wal-Mart in management are probably represented in two groups, those who hold dearly to the principals of Sam Walton and those who hold dear to the drive for a profit. Those who hold to the principals of Sam Walton are probably those who had a chance to see him work and hear him share his vision for the company.

Acts 11:26- in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians. Means a little Christ. They recognized Christ in them. They resembled Christ. They were recognized as ones who had been with Christ. As you live do people recognize Christ in you? Do people recognize that you have been with Christ? Colossians 1:15- Christ is the image of the invisible God. Are you the image of Christ? Are you a true reflection of Christ? Do people recognize him in you?

Christ in us is more influential than the education of men.

In verse 16, as the leaders are conferring with one another, they say how can we stop what so many people have already seen? A noteworthy miracle has taken place, how do we stop this? Why did the miracle occur, because of Christ in them. How do you stop that which is of God? You can’t. Then in verse 17, they decide to tell them to stop preaching in the name of Christ. This will insure that it spreads no further. Well, not really, if they stop preaching and teaching in the name of Jesus, then the rocks will cry out!

What was it that caused the leaders to fear Peter and John? Was it their vast knowledge? Was it the intellectual arguments they could not contend with? Was it their vast resources of wealth? Was it their fine clothing? Was it that they talked with an accent of elite status within society? Was it the fact that they were children of influential and wealthy individuals? Or was it the fact that they had been with Christ, and the witness of Christ in them could not be contested?

Every sport has their elite team. The team that has a loyal following even in the dark days but most other teams fear even during the worst season possible. Basketball had the Lakers then the Bulls then the Lakers. Football had the Packers then the Cowboys then the 49ers. Hockey has the Red Wings. Soccer has Brazil. Baseball has the Yankees. The unquestioned greatness of these teams is what inspires others to hold them so highly. It is said that the Yankees are so great because the other team cannot take their eyes off of their pinstripes. Their greatness is a myth that holds sway over the mindset of the other team. Even some of the most fundamentally sound teams have fallen disastrously to these great teams. Why? Because they allowed the legend to conquer their confidence.

We as Christians must understand that the power of Christ is more powerful than the education this world offers. A Christian who has studied his Bible, walked faithfully with Christ is vastly more powerful than someone who has degrees from the grandest theological schools in the world. A Christian committed and submitted to Christ is more powerful than the religious leaders of the world. It is Christ in you not your intellect. Philippians 3:8 tells us “I count all things a loss compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ.” Christ is of a value too great to truly be counted. Christ in us is of greater influence than any education and strength we could possess apart from Christ.

As believers we are to submit to the authority of Christ.

The leaders command them to no longer speak or speak in the name of Jesus. Basically, no more Jesus in your talking. Do not talk about him nor teach about him. The point is to completely silence them with regards to Jesus. The source of power in their message is to be silenced and removed. They healed in the name of Jesus. They taught in the name of Jesus. Now they are to be silent. Nothing. No more Jesus. Well, that’s what they were told, but Peter tells them, you decide whether that is right or not, me, I am going to keep talking about it because I can’t help it.

Your threats don’t scare me. Your threats do not intimidate me. I love Jesus. He is all the world to me. I am going to keep talking about him. The end.

I have seen Christ heal the lame. I have seen Christ give new life to a lady who was divorced five times and now living with a man who was not her husband. I have seen the risen Christ. I have been forgiven of my denial of the Lord. I have seen a man born crippled healed by the power of Christ. I have a spring continually rising up within me. I will not, cannot stop. You be the judge if that is right or not, but my Lord is worthy to be proclaimed. My Lord is worthy to be shouted from one land to another.

When I worked at Wal-Mart in the DC during orientation they gave us all of the policies, rules, regulations, safety guidelines. When we actually began our work, found out they didn’t tell us all of the rules and policies. There were two sets of policies. The official and the workers unspoken rules. When it came down to it, whenever mgmt. was in the work area you followed the official rules. When you were by yourself you just did what it took to get the job done without getting hurt. In reality, we were accountable to the official rules.

No matter what man may say, God is the authority. The one who says there is no god or better to obey man and live long is a fool. Psalm 14:1 tells us that the fool says there is no god. The one who does not acknowledge God is one who has turned from the truth and refuses to admit they may be wrong. Christ is our authority and he has commanded that we follow him. Deny yourself and come follow me. Take up your cross and follow me. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

As we close some thoughts of response.

What are you doing in your life to insure that you are with Christ?

What keeps you with Christ?

If you are not with Christ, how will people know that you belong to Him?

When you are seeking to be a witness for Christ, do you rely on your intellect or on the Spirit in you?

In the end, who do you obey, Jesus or man? Who is your authority?

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